Tag: Saturn in Pisces

Astro Daily: July 5, 2023

Astro Daily: July 5, 2023

The Moon’s in Aquarius, a sign that makes us aware of larger issues and themes that connect us as a collective. It also reaches into a deep emotional space, touching on additional themes of intimacy and vulnerability, trust and power.

Astro Daily: June 29, 2023

Astro Daily: June 29, 2023

The Cancer Sun picks up support from Saturn in Pisces, a stabilizing influence after a rocky start to the astrology this week. Saturn gives us perspective, an ability to see the bigger picture, and helps us to strategize and build towards our goals.

Astro Daily: June 28, 2023

Astro Daily: June 28, 2023

The Cancer Sun trines Saturn in Pisces, a helpful and stabilizing influence after a rocky start to the week. Saturn helps us to see the bigger picture and to make more strategic long-range decisions. That said, a Scorpio Moon may continue to shake things up.

Photo by Daniele Buso on Unsplash

Astro Daily: June 19, 2023

We start the week fresh off a Gemini New Moon, one that wants us to plant the seeds for new ideas and creative vision. With aspects to Neptune and a push from Saturn, we may be wondering how we’re going to bring our dreams into reality.

Photo by Letizia Bordoni on Unsplash

Astro Daily: June 15, 2023

Gemini Season starts to gain some traction with Mercury now in Gemini. But, first, Mercury has to square off with Saturn, an accountability checkpoint. We have to make sure our choices and actions are in alignment with our duties and responsibilities.

Sagittarius Full Moon: Existential Questions

Sagittarius Full Moon: Existential Questions

Welcome to the Sagittarius Full Moon, the time in the zodiac calendar when the spotlight is on travel and exploration as well as the search for faith and meaning. Sagittarius is a sign that opens us up to the world, which is to say gets us to seek outside of ourselves.

Photo by Tim Wildsmith on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 26, 2023

Mars squares the Lunar Nodes, a powerful connection made more powerful by the Scorpio South Node, which Mars rules. This is an energy that pulls us to the past, to reminisce, but to also let go. It echos the lunar eclipse of May 5, 2023 as well.

Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 10, 2023

The Moon in Capricorn today, reminding us to reach for solid ground in the midst of a lot of ups and downs. Capricorn plays off the earthy energies of Taurus Season, a push to get organized, to return to our duties and responsibilities, to cultivate our ambitions.

Photo by Lisha Riabinina on Unsplash

Astro Daily: April 14, 2023

Venus squares off with Saturn, an aspect that has a reputation for pumping the breaks. For all of Venus’s multitude of ideas and options, Saturn urges us to focus on what’s practical. It’s a need to commit to what’s right or recalibrate what’s not working.