Tag: Moon in Scorpio

Astro Daily: February 29, 2024

Astro Daily: February 29, 2024

A Scorpio Moon poses intense questions today. What do we believe in? What do we stand for? It’s a day to look out into the world, to focus on travel and exploration, education and big ideas. But it may dig into more philosophical and existential longings.

Astro Daily: February 2, 2024

Astro Daily: February 2, 2024

A Scorpio Moon takes us into the weekend, a moon that wants us to investigate and get to the bottom of a mystery. It’s also a moon that brings us out into the world, to focus on our duties and responsibilities, our ambitions and successes.

Astro Daily: February 1, 2024

Astro Daily: February 1, 2024

Crossing between Libra and Scorpio, the Moon brings us to the emotional intensities of life. Scorpio pushes us to find our power, to take command, to have a firm hand on the steering wheel of life. It’s also a day to take our duties and responsibilities seriously.

Astro Daily: January 5, 2024

Astro Daily: January 5, 2024

The Capricorn Sun squares Chiron in Aries into tomorrow, activating a sore spot or an ache that takes us back to past memories and old scars. Use the day to heal. We may need to find the courage to move on and create new initiatives for healthy living.

Astro Daily: October 16, 2023

Astro Daily: October 16, 2023

We’re between the eclipses. Can you feel it? A portal or intersection between two different threads of time? A twist or knot in the fabric of our lives? While we’re two days past a solar eclipse, its energy still brings us forward into something new.

Astro Daily: September 18, 2023

Astro Daily: September 18, 2023

A Scorpio Moon starts our week off, one that takes the energies of the recent new moon and gets them moving. It’s a day to organize, strategize, and weigh our options. Mars in Libra is also keen on investments and investing in the future.

Astro Daily: August 22, 2023

Astro Daily: August 22, 2023

Last day of Leo Season, a time to reflect and integrate our season with the Sun. Our lives now hopefully brighter and reinvigorated, we prepare to step into Virgo, a season that takes the creative spark of Leo and puts it into shape and form.

Astro Daily: July 26, 2023

Astro Daily: July 26, 2023

Today’s Scorpio Moon picks up on the energies of Mars in Virgo, an exacting placement that gets into themes around perfection, control, and taking charge. We may also be feeling a little more emotional than usual, seeking out stability and security.

Astro Daily: July 25, 2023

Astro Daily: July 25, 2023

Pluto squares the Lunar Nodes in Aries-Libra, a force of evolution and change that reverberates into the coming months. In order to find our freedom through the Aries North Node, we have to be willing to tear things down and, in some cases, start over.

Astro Daily: June 28, 2023

Astro Daily: June 28, 2023

The Cancer Sun trines Saturn in Pisces, a helpful and stabilizing influence after a rocky start to the week. Saturn helps us to see the bigger picture and to make more strategic long-range decisions. That said, a Scorpio Moon may continue to shake things up.

Photo by Filipp Romanovski on Unsplash

Astro Daily: April 7, 2023

A Scorpio Moon takes us into the weekend, one that plays on our deeper emotions and works to reveal something typically hidden within. With Mars in Cancer, this may be complicated or messy emotions from the past, from memory, and from family.

Photo by Tom Ramain on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 10, 2023

Scorpio Moon weekend, one that hits on a lot of emotional points. Both Pisces and Scorpio are water signs, compelled by emotion to search and explore and to form deeper connection. Jupiter also meets up with Chiron. Do we have the faith to move on?