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Photo by Dino Reichmuch. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 19, 2016

Today we’re wrapping up Taurus season, saying goodbye for another year to the earthy sign of pleasure, abundance, fertility, loyalty, and value. Taurus is known for its meandering pace, but come tomorrow, when the Sun arrives in Gemini, we’ll be starting a new zodiac month off with a bang.

Photo by Adrian Korte. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 18, 2016

Let’s talk about Mars. As I mentioned yesterday, Sagittarius is a sign that’s been getting a lot of play lately. That’s because Mars has been in the sign of faith and truth since the beginning of March — that’s a long time for Mars to be in one sign.

Photo by Karina Carvalho. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 17, 2016

Although life’s been moving at a leisurely pace with the Sun and Venus in Taurus plus retrograde planets, we’re in the build up to Saturday’s fiery full moon in Sagittarius — a sign that’s been getting a lot of play lately between Mars and Saturn. As a result we’ve been deeply working through themes of faith and truth. What does it all mean? How do we use philosophy to construct our world view?

Photo by veeterzy. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 16, 2016

Happy Monday! We’re in the last few days of Taurus season, a time when we look to nature, fruit, sensuality, and the bounty of life. Of course Taurus encompasses other expressions — loyalty, value, the things we own — but we need to understand its place within the 12 zodiac signs. If Aries is the spark of life, then Taurus, the following sign, shows how that spark is impregnated into the fertile earth.

Photo by Martin Sattler. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 12, 2016

Today Mercury and Pluto harmonize, giving us an opportunity to get to the heart of something. Pluto has a habit of showing us uncomfortable truths. Like a light in the dark, use today as well as the next couple of days to take a deep look at value, worth, and how our choices sabotage stability and security.

Photo by Alisa Anton. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: March 11, 2016

What does love mean to you? Relationships? Beauty? Harmony? Charm? Cooperation? We all have different reference points for these words. Maybe we’ve struggled with love. Maybe we don’t feel beautiful? Or maybe cooperation is our superpower and we can charm our way through anything.

Photo by Roksolana Zasiadko. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 10, 2016

What is pleasure? Sensuality? Abundance? Today Venus in Taurus harmonizes with Jupiter in Virgo, an aspect that is said to denote good fortune and opportunity. If Taurus is seeds planted in the fertile earth, then Virgo is the skill and work needed to bring them to harvest.

Photo by Lauren Mancke. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 9, 2016

Jupiter turns direct today! In case you didn’t know, we had five planets in retrograde motion. It’s not uncommon to have four retrograde planets at a time, but what made this period a little unusual is that both Mercury and Mars, two personal planets, were retrograde.

Data for chart above is 5/6/2016, 3:29 pm EST, New York, NY. Chart by

New Moon in Taurus: Fertility

New moons are new beginnings. They open up a lunar month that will unfold according to the archetypes seeded in the new moon. And what’s Taurus about? Sweetness. Pleasure. Sensuality. Taurus takes it slow. It enjoys every flavor, smell, and bite.

Photo by Sam Zeller. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 4, 2016

Friday’s Taurus New Moon will open up a lunar month seeded with the energies of fertility, sweetness, abundance, harvest, power, and rebirth. There’s a potential over the coming four weeks for a powerful reset. All the retrograde planets hint that there are many components that are both out of our control and remnants of our past.

Photo by Mike Wilson. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 3, 2016

Feeling emotional? The Moon’s been in sensitive Pisces since Sunday, a sign that touches on feeling and empathy as well as universality, spirituality, inspiration, and the cosmic ocean. But come this afternoon the Moon will arrive in Aries, a sign that couldn’t be more different than Pisces. Think action, spark, leadership, drive.

Photo by Annie Spratt. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: May 2, 2016

Happy Monday! Two things to keep on your radar this week. One, we’re five days away from the Taurus New Moon. This means that we’re in the end of the lunar cycle, a time that tends to be quieter and reflective as we prepare for the next lunar month — […]