Last week, on September 1, we had a potent solar eclipse in Virgo. As some of you know — or may have experienced yourself — eclipses tend to coincide with major events. Something may have even been “eclipsed” in your life.

Nevertheless, eclipses aren’t inherently bad. They created a surge of energetic momentum that takes us into a new phase, a new chapter, a new direction. That said, we’re not out of eclipse season. On September 16, we’ll have a lunar eclipse in Pisces, rounding out the season and initiating us on a new course that will unfold over the next six months.

The space between the eclipses — so between September 1 and 16 — is very fertile. But the energy is a little unstable. Things are moving very quickly. Life is loud. New things are rushing in … or out.

The fact that last week’s eclipse was in Virgo also means that we need to clean up our act, get serious, get practical, and tend to the long overdue details. Clean out your closet, your fridge, your cabinets, your life. Virgo wants purity, order, and humility.

Read More:

New Moon in Virgo: Needs of the Divine

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