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Photo by Thomas Kelley. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

October 2016 Horoscopes

Welcome to Libra season, a time in the astrological calendar when the Sun shines on relationship, cooperation, harmony, and beauty. Out of the twelve zodiac signs, Libra serves an important function — it introduces us to other people.

Photo by Noah Silliman. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: September 29, 2016

We’re in the dark of the Moon, a time when the light has faded to a sliver and we prepare for a new lunar month. Also known as the balsamic moon, this dark time has a reputation for increased intuition as well as a need to pull back from the world and reflect.

Photo by Hector Argüello Canals. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: September 28, 2016

Today’s Virgo Moon is a reminder that we’re sliding out of an intense lunar month initiated by a solar eclipse in Virgo and fueled by a lunar eclipse in Pisces. Chances are you experienced a major shift in September or witnessed one in the life of someone close.

Photo by Jordan Whitfield. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: September 27, 2016

After a whopping 20 weeks in Sagittarius, Mars finally arrives in Capricorn today. True, Mars and Sag got on pretty well, both sharing an adventurous spirit, but the retrograde really dug into the not so pleasant side of Mars in Sag — self righteousness and fundamentalism.

Photo by Julian Santa Ana. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: September 26, 2016

Feeling a little uncomfortable? Are your fears edging into your thoughts? Your deeply rooted stories coming up? That’s because Pluto stationed direct today at 14 Capricorn. Like reaching into soul and pulling out a clog, Pluto shows you what’s holding you back.

Photo by Daria Shevtsova. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: September 23, 2016

Things took a bit of a left turn. We may only be a day into Libra season, but Venus, the ruler of Libra, just went into Scorpio. Honestly, the two signs couldn’t be more different. If Venus in Libra has a natural charm, then Venus in Scorpio is direct and raw.

Photo by Gaelle Marcel. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: September 22, 2016

Im not sure what’s bigger news. The fact that Mercury is finally direct or that the Sun is now in Libra. Certainly a change of seasons is a marquee event, but — I don’t know about you — I shambled my way through a retrograde fueled Virgo season.

Photo by Fineas Anton. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: September 21, 2016

Today the Sun reaches the final degree of Virgo, wrapping up its stay in the sign of service, purity, and health. It’s been an interesting season, one marked by two eclipses. It’s safe to say that something has shifted, the terrain before us a little different.

Photo by Matthew Wiebe. CC0 – PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Astro Daily: September 20, 2016

Mercury is coming to a halt this week, preparing to turn direct on Thursday. As it does so, Mercury will grind through Pluto at the same time Pluto readies to turn direct on September 26. Translation? Don’t be surprised if something is powerfully revealed this week.

Full Moon in Pisces: The Knot

Full Moon in Pisces: The Knot

Happy Pisces Full Moon eclipse! This is the time of the year when we turn the spotlight on compassion, forgiveness, and letting go. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. There’s a push to let go and reconnect to the cosmic waters from which we all came.