We’re starting our week with the Moon in Aquarius,  pulling us toward social connection — community, friendships, the collective of humanity — as well as abstract ideas and intellect. In short, Aquarius is helping us see the big picture today.

Speaking of which, the big new this week is Mars’s arrival in Aquarius on November 9. If Mars is action and motivation, then in Aquarius it brings passion to social justice, equity, politics, and freedom.  It’s an airy placement for Mars, one that will add an intellectual streak to the rest of Scorpio season.

But in the meantime Mars is wrapping up its six week journey through Capricorn, a sign where it naturally pushes toward excellence and command. With Mars at 29 Capricorn, we may feel a push in the next day or so to really wrap up loose ends on our ambitions and responsibilities. What have achieved since September 27? The pressure is on.

Read More:

Mars in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

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