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Astro Daily: May 21, 2021

Now that it’s Gemini Season, make sure you’re not getting your signals crossed. Between Mercury’s upcoming retrograde and a square to Neptune, things may not be what they seem. Throw in eclipse energy, and things may be a little bit dramatic, too.

Astro Daily: May 20, 2021

Astro Daily: May 20, 2021

Welcome to Gemini Season! The Sun arrives in the third sign of the zodiac, leaving behind the earth of Taurus for the air of Gemini. This is a season to explore new ideas and new perspectives, to get curious and weigh our options.

Photo by Regina Anaejionu on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 19, 2021

Last day of Taurus Season. With a deeper understanding of our needs, what we value, and our relationship for the earth, we’re getting ready to step into Gemini, a sign that will teach us about learning and communication. We’re on the edge of eclipses, too.

Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 18, 2021

It’s a Leo Moon day and we’re enjoying these waning moments of Taurus Season. Paired with Leo, Taurus wants to have fun and nourish its creativity. But we’re also on the cusp of Gemini Season as well as eclipses. Gather and plan for the next adventure. 

Photo by Jeffery Erhunse on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 17, 2021

We start the week with a Leo Moon, one that wants us to express ourselves, find creativity, and make time for passion. It’s also a power day. The Taurus Sun trines Pluto in Capricorn. Look for opportunities for security and strength as well as transformation.

Photo by Alex Gudino on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 14, 2021

A restless Gemini Moon picks up on upcoming eclipse season vibes. We may be thinking of big changes or feeling a shift on the horizon. It’s a day to search and explore, but also feel deeply into ourselves to reflect on what the best choice for our lives are now.

Photo by Alessandro Erbetta on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 13, 2021

Jupiter comes home to Pisces, a sign where it inspires us to find truth and meaning deep within. Here we learn about the things we can only feel and know intuitively, putting us back in touch with our spirituality and bridging between this world and the next.

Photo by Zoe Schaeffer on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 12, 2021

Fresh off the new moon, we’re ready to roll. True, all these Taurus energies want to take it easy, but Venus and the Moon are in Gemini, a sign that likes to move. And with an upcoming eclipse in Gemini, we’re getting a preview of what has to move.

Taurus New Moon: Renewal

Taurus New Moon: Renewal

Welcome to the Taurus New Moon. It’s the time in the lunar calendar to renew our connection to all things earthly, from material stability and resources to food, pleasure, and sensuality. As the first earth sign, Taurus gets us back to basics.