Venus opposes Saturn, an aspect that puts relationships to the test. Do they have what it takes to go the distance? Are they equitable and balanced? If a connection is not working, we may have to rethink it.

Saturn is a very black and white planet. It doesn’t abide by ambiguity or gray zones. So with Venus opposing Saturday today, we’ve come against Saturn’s clear boarders and boundaries. As much as Venus and Saturn gets knocked in astrology as a difficult aspect, this is a reminder that Saturn actually loves relationships and teaches us that we can’t do things alone. It’s just that if there is a structural flaw in a relationship or connection, it must be fixed.

Venus will also be spending the week making her way through some rocky astrology. So pay attention to what’s coming up between you and a mate, colleague, friend, or loved one. How does it speak to outworn patterns of connection? Something has to give.

Lastly, Mercury in Gemini makes its final of three squares to Neptune. We’re closing out the Mercury Retrograde period, one that spoke to themes of release, surrender, and sacrifice. Hopefully we’ve learned to listen to ourselves more and pay more attention to our intuition.

If you missed my live look at the astrology of July 5-11, 2021, you can watch the replay here.

If you are in AUSTRALIA or NZ, this forecast applies approximately for July 7.

Read More:

Video — The Astrology of July 5-11, 2021

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