Welcome to November! We’re in Scorpio Season, a time when we honor life’s many cycles. And we enter a month where the natural world is in transition. The weather cools and the nights grow longer.

With the world dying around us to prepare for new life, we have more respect and awareness for living. We gather what we need and, with the full moon in Taurus on November 12, we focus on making sure our material life will support us over the coming months.

We start November with Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, a sign that makes Mercury a bit of an investigator. Even though Mercury is retrograde, it’s still an opportunity to go back to old projects and old mysteries or have a revealing conversation where we can open up about a secret. With Mercury in Scorpio, information can’t be suppressed. It comes out and it reveals, especially around Mercury’s station on November 20.

Mars is in Libra for most of November, which means that this is a Scorpio Season that’s meant to take us behind the scenes and into the past. Don’t be surprised if an old relationship resurfaces (classic Mercury Retrograde) or if you’re revisiting an old relationship pattern, especially one you want to breakthrough and let go of.

November’s astrology is definitely more subdued than October’s ups and downs, but Mars starts to rattle things once it arrives in Scorpio on November 19 and makes an opposition to Uranus in Taurus on November 24.

That said, be open to the unexpected this month. We’re checking in with our Uranus in Taurus story and November is another push to make changes, reinvent, or upend a certain part of our lives. New relationships may unexpectedly come in as well as new opportunities.

Speaking of new opportunities, the Sagittarius New Moon on November 26 opens us up to the Jupiter and its abundance. We’ve had nearly a year of Jupiter in Sagittarius and while we’ve struggled to have faith and confidence at times (quite unlike Jupiter in its home sign), we’re going to see what Jupiter in Sagittarius was all about as it prepares to leave at end of November. Hopefully that means we’re seeing an unexpected gift or opportunity as it does so.

Also, if you are in the New York City area, I’m doing a talk on the Astrology of 2020 on November 12, same day as the Taurus Full Moon. Want a preview of the coming year, join me in Manhattan penthouse with city views as we talk about what 2020 will mean for you. Details and registration here.

Read for your Sun and rising sign.

DATES TO NOTE: 11/1 Venus in Sagittarius; 11/3 Venus trine Chiron; 11/5 Mars square Pluto; 11/8 Sun sextile Neptune, Sun sextile Saturn, Sun trine Neptune; 11/9 Mercury sextile Pluto; 11/11 Sun conjunct Mercury; 11/12 Full Moon 19 Taurus, Mars sextile Jupiter; 11/13 Mercury sextile Saturn, Mercury trine Neptune, Sun sextile Pluto; 11/14 Venus square Neptune; 11/19 Mars in Scorpio; 11/20 Mercury Direct 11 Scorpio; 11/22 Sun in Sagittarius; 11/23 Sun trine Chiron; 11/24 Mars opposite Uranus, Venus conjunct Jupiter; 11/25 Venus in Capricorn; 11/26 New Moon 4 Sagittarius; 11/27 Neptune Direct 15 Pisces, Venus square Chiron; 11/28 Mercury trine Neptune, Venus trine Uranus; 11/30 Mercury sextile Saturn.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

Welcome to Scorpio Season, a time in your personal calendar when you have to go deep into yourself to face life’s complicated and sometimes messy emotions. You’re wading through themes of vulnerability, intimacy, and letting people in. And with Mars, your ruling planet, still in Libra for the first half of the month, you’re working out these complicated feelings and emotions with a partner. This could be with a romantic partner, of course, but this astrology also talks about how you interact and connect with anyone, one-on-one. Basically, you’re getting a relationship work out this month, Aries, something that’s been going on since October. It’s just pushing you to go deeper and examine any hidden feelings or emotions in regards to a relationship. As Mars comes up to a square to Pluto on November 5, you may have to take a look at yourself. How do you use your power? Is it to control? Or do others have control over you? Mars and Pluto together also make for an intense surge of energy and, since Aries is a very physical sign, make sure you’re giving this energy a positive outlet through exercise or similar activities. Don’t forget that it’s Mercury Retrograde for the first few weeks of November, so if you’re negotiating a deeper issue with someone, make sure you’re taking the time to talk things through so there is no confusion. Then on November 12 a full moon lights up Taurus, your money sign, highlighting a part of your life that is the midst of a personal revolution. Yes, you’re in a much longer period of time when how you earn a living, what you value, and what you need to feel safe needs to change courtesy of Uranus in Taurus for the next six years. The full moons puts these themes into the spotlight. As a result, you may have a decision to make about your money or deeper, less tangible themes like trust, stability, and value. Is it worth it? By November 19 Mars moves into Scorpio and you’re going deeper into your shadow self. What’s the shadow? The hidden parts of ourselves. Our deepest emotions. The version of ourselves that we only reveal in private. Secrets may be coming to light as Mercury turns direct in Scorpio on November 20. A few days later, on November 23, the Sun is in Sagittarius and we kick off a new season, one that turns you towards foreign travel, long distance journeys, and exploration. It’s also a season for you to focus on education as well as anything that helps you shape your perspective on the world. The Sagittarius New Moon on November 25 gives you a reset in this part of your life. You may be planning a big trip or looking to take classes or even go back to school. Legal matters may also factor in. Do keep an eye out for an opposition between Mars and Uranus on November 24. It’s time to wake up, shake up, and have a breakthrough. But Uranus can also speak to breaks and you may need to shift or transform an emotional connection. In all, you’re doing your emotional work this month as well as the next. By the new year, you’re ready to re-emerge. Want a deeper look at how November will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now. You can also learn more about November’s astrology in my pre-recorded video.

Key Themes: Relationships, other people, partnerships, connection, negotiation, compromise, intimacy, vulnerability, sex, power, control, secrets, the shadow, the deep self, money, income, spending, ownership, possessions, resources, wealth, debt, travel, journeys, foreign travel, education, philosophy, worldview, perspective, knowledge, law, religion.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

Scorpio Season is relationship season, Taurus, a time for you to reach out and connect with people. It’s a reminder that no person is an island. We must socialize, compromise, interact with one another. As a result, you may be more social than usual as you get pushed out into the world. Or, you’re focusing on your primary relationships, listening to what a partner needs and working to see eye-to-eye. If you’re single, the new moon just before the start of November gave you a perfect opportunity to use November to not only find new partnership, but do so in a way that’s completely different than before. Keep in mind that Venus, your ruling planet, is in Sagittarius for most of November, so you may be doing a lot of inner searching and dealing with themes around safety, vulnerability, and trust. Also keep in mind that Mars, your relationship planet, has been working its way through Libra since the start of October, which means that you have had to do your relationship work, cleaning up the past and letting go of any dynamics where you’re feeling less than adequate. Pay attention to what’s coming on when Mars and Pluto square off on November 5. If an old relationship pattern presents itself, us this as an opportunity to see it for what it really is and to let it go. That said, a Taurus Full Moon on November 12 puts you in the spotlight. It’s a time to be noticed, to step ahead and move forward. By November 19, Mars moves into Scorpio, your relationship sign, and begins to heat this part of your life up until the new year. Just a heads up. If there are any simmering issues between you and a partner, Mars can create some drama. On the flip side, you’re very motivated to make relationship and connection a top priority. That said, Mercury is retrograde until November 20 and turns direct in Scorpio. If you’re moving ahead with a relationship, see where things stand after Mercury turns direct. Sometimes we get new information or see things differently than we did when Mercury was retrograde. By November 23 the Sun moves into Sagittarius and a Sagittarius New Moon on November 26 turns your attention to travel, wisdom, and education. It also opens a lunar month that will continue to take you into your deepest emotions so that you can face them and transform. That said, Venus leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn on November 25 and you’re stepping into a three week period where you’re feeling the responsibilities of life. Time to get serious as you approach the end of the year. Want a deeper look at how November will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now. You can also learn more about November’s astrology in my pre-recorded video.

Key Themes: Relationships, partnership, other people, connection, socialization, interaction, negotiation, compromise, past relationships, intimacy, vulnerability, deep emotions, the psyche, the deep self, the shadow self, transformation, rebirth, revelation, in the spotlight, taking action, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, long distance journeys, big trips, foreign travel, education, university.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

Gemini, it’s likely been an emotionally heavy year, one where you’ve had to dig into the deepest parts of yourself to reveal what has been previously hidden within. For all your soul searching, it’s been a rich time of transformation, but it has probably weighed on you physically. Scorpio Season is the natural time in your personal calendar when your health and your overall wellness takes priority. In fact, with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio until November 20, you’re getting an extra nudge by the cosmos to go back and look at something or reevaluate how you take care of yourself. Again, it’s been a heavy year. While the world “self care” is a bit overused at the moment, almost to the point of being trivialized, it truly is a month for self care — body, mind, and soul. A full moon on November 12 highlights the soul part of your need for self care. Highlighting a part of your chart that touches on spirituality and a need to retreat from the world, the full moon is a call for rest as well as letting go of old addictions and patterns that have outlived their usefulness. This includes old relationships, from the memories that you carry to the psychic connections that you still hold onto for past flames. When Mars arrives in Scorpio on November 19, it’s giving you the power and the drive to take care of your physical health, from making healthy changes to diet to going to the gym. Projects and work also become a priority at this time, too, and you may be working a lot into the new year. Relationships are also a priority this month. Venus breezes through your relationship sign of Sagittarius from November 1 until November 25, giving you a natural push to socialize and connect with others. Do keep in mind that while Mercury is retrograde, you may be dealing with old relationship themes, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t go out and meet someone. That said, the Sun’s arrival in Sagittarius on November 23 followed by a Sagittarius New Moon on November 26 opens up a new chapter in relationships. You may be feeling more social than usual or encouraged to make new connections. If you are already in a relationship, this gives you a natural opportunity to spend time with a loved one and tend to a partner’s needs. Lastly, Neptune turns direct on November 27 in your career sign. You’ve been in a much longer chapter where you’ve needed to find your path professionally or make sure your ambitions are lining up with what Spirit/the Universe/God wants for you. Neptune Direct is a push to align what you want with the wants of something greater. Want a deeper look at how November will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now. You can also learn more about November’s astrology in my pre-recorded video.

Key Themes: Health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, projects, work, ritual, daily life, schedule, routine, taking care of the soul, spirituality, rest, retreat, releasing, letting go, breaking old addictions, making space for the new, career, vocation, higher calling.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

It’s probably been a tough year, Cancer. (IDK, maybe it’s been fine, but the astrology has certainly been putting you through your paces.) So it’s refreshing that Scorpio Season is a time in your personal calendar when you get to have some fun. It’s a season that highlights passion and romance, too, as well as creativity and talents. Use the time well; the astrology is still pushing on sensitive points over the next few months. A square between Mars and Pluto on November 5 talks about career and ambition and needing to possibly make some changes in your professional life. Keep in mind, Mercury is retrograde until November 20, so it’s best to wait if you can before making any major decisions. That said, with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, use the first few weeks to research and fact find. A full moon on November 12 highlights friendships and community and you may be using the energies of the full moon to connect with your social circle. It also puts the spotlight on the bigger picture, helping you to zoom out on your life to think about your goals and dreams for the coming year. Keep in mind that Mars is still stirring things up in the home or with family until November 19. It’s probably not the quietest time in your living situation. Maybe you’ve had a lot of guests coming in and out or you’ve been making changes in the home or even packing up for a move. When Mars arrives in Scorpio on November 19, you enter a time, until the end of the year, where you’re motivated to express who you are, have fun, and prioritize creativity and talent. By November 23 the Sun moves into Sagittarius and you turn your attention towards work, health, and your daily life. You may be feeling extra inspired to focus on making positive, healthy changes in your physical life, especially after the new moon on November 26. In fact, you may feel like it’s a jump on your New Year resolutions. Sagittarius Season is a time for you to get organized, disciplined, and tend to your day-to-day life. That said, an opposition between Mars and Uranus on November 24 has the potential to be disruptive or it may be shaking things up in the career department. Use this energy to take a second look at your professional life and what you want to do in the world. Want a deeper look at how November will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now. You can also learn more about November’s astrology in my pre-recorded video.

Key Themes: The self, identity, self expression, having fun, romance, creativity, passion, talent, children, home, family, living situation, roots, foundation, emotional needs, work, projects, daily life, routine, getting organized, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, career, direction, worldly life.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

Leo, let’s take a step back and look at the bigger picture and how November’s astrology links you to a story that has been unfolding all year long, particularly since March. What’s going on in the career department? Have you been looking to make a radical change in your professional life? Go in a new direction? Or shake up your place in the world? (Not ringing a bell?) So here’s the idea, and I know I’ve been talking about this for a while, but here’s your recap. Over the next six years, you’re reinventing your career, your ambitions, and the direction that your life is taking. November is important in all of this because it’s a check-in, a milestone, or another chapter in this ongoing story of reinvention. Pay attention to the full moon on November 12. It may shed light on this path that you’ve been on since earlier this year. A new opportunity may come your way or you may get a glimpse of the type of work you’d like to be switching into. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves too much. Scorpio Season is a time for you to focus on the home and family, to tend to your roots, and make sure the foundation of your life is strong. A square between Mars and Pluto on November 5 means that you may need to do a lot of emotional clearing of these roots. That said, you may feel like you’re doing a lot of back and forth during the first half of the month. With Mars over in your sign of travel and communication, you may be busy with appointments and things to do as well as answering a lot of phone calls, messages, and texts. (Mercury is retrograde, too, so make sure you’re doing your due diligence.) Speaking of Mercury Retrograde, it’s rewind through the sign of Scorpio may mean that you’re investigating something in the home, digging up something from the past, or have to getting to the bottom of a family mystery. When Mars arrives in Scorpio on November 19, things heat up in the home. Something may even come to surface when Mercury turns retrograde on November 20. But in all, you may find that November is a time when you’re making needed changes in the home, your living situation, or you’re even planning for a move. After all, in order to make the changes you need to make in your professional life, you need a strong foundation to support them. Additionally, Venus in Sagittarius all month long as well as Sagittarius Season, which starts on November 23, means that fun and romance may be a focus in November. In fact, the Sagittarius New Moon on November 26 is a reminder to prioritize your talents, your passions, your creativity, even when it comes to work. Keep an eye out for November 24 as Mars makes an intense opposition to Uranus. Something may shake up in the home environment or you may awaken what you really need on an emotional level. Want a deeper look at how November will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now. You can also learn more about November’s astrology in my pre-recorded video.

Key Themes: Home, family, living situation, a move, change in the home, emotional needs, foundation, the past, memories, secrets, foundation, roots, inner world, professional world, career, ambition, travel, information, ideas, choices, movement, learning, classes, education, communication, the voice, creativity, talents, identity, persona, play, romance.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

So here’s the thing, Virgo. Scorpio Season is a personal month where you’re on the move. You’ve got places to go, appointments, calls or messages to answer. Plus, Mercury, your ruling planet, is in Scorpio, so it’s probably going to be busy month that doesn’t start to slow down later this month. But here’s the catch: Mercury is retrograde from the start of the month until November 20. While Mercury Retrograde is part of your normal ebb and flow — Mercury turns retrograde about every three months — this one needs some attention. Since it’s happening in your sign of communication and travel, you may find that things are a little bit wonkier than usual. You may feel wonkier than usual. But, as you know, Mercury Retrograde is a time when you can’t plow forward. You need to take you time, be conscientious, deliberate, and attentive. Since Mercury in Scorpio has a tendency to reveal, you may hear something or read something that has previously been hidden. Secrets may even come to the surface, too. That said, make sure you’re crossing all the T’s and crossing the I’s this month. Make your’re being heard or that you’re hearing what’s being said. Make sure you’re also taking a second look at your choices, because you may not have all the information until after Mercury turns direct on November 20. Looking towards the full moon on November 12, the spotlight is on travel and education in the middle of the month. You may be thinking of making a big trip, especially one that takes you far away or to another country. Can’t travel? How can you explore and see the world in other ways? It’s a full moon that’s all about perspective and the beliefs that shape how you see yourself and the world around you. It’s about right and wrong and how your earliest experiences with your family still influences the vision you have on life. Then on November 19, Mars enters Scorpio and kicks things up a bit. Again, you could very well be very busy this month. And, after all the fact finding and information gathering that you’re doing in the first half of the month, you’re ready to take action in the second half. On November 24, You may even be surprised by something or learn something that shakes how you see something as Mars faces off with Uranus. Be open to new ideas, even if they are radical. By the last week of November you’re in Sagittarius Season, a time that pulls you towards home, family, and nesting. In fact, the Sagittarius New Moon on November 26 opens up a new chapter in this part of your life. You may be thinking about moving or planning for a move or simply making changes in something about your home. It’s also a time to reconnect with family or even welcome people into your home. For all your running around this month, make sure you’re nourishing what’s really important — being around the people that you love and the things that really fulfill you. Want a deeper look at how November will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now. You can also learn more about November’s astrology in my pre-recorded video.

Key Themes: Communication, information, ideas, speaking, the voice, listening, messages, conversations, learning, classes, education, choices, right and wrong, weighing options, old choices, travel, trips, appointments, the neighborhood, places to go, transportation, long distance journeys, foreign travel, higher education, perspective, beliefs, truth, faith, philosophy, wisdom, home, family, roots, foundation, the past, memories, a move, new chapter in the home.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

Mars has been in Libra since October and it’s safe to say that you’ve been fired up and motivated to take action in your life. (You may have been a little argumentative, too.) Mars is still in Libra until November 19 and you start the month with Venus, your ruling planet arriving in Sagittarius. This gives all this energy and drive that you’ve been having a new spin. In Sagittarius, you’re on the go for most of November and you may feel like you’re constantly having to juggle between places to go, appointments, conversations, and all the ideas circling in your mind. In fact, it’s a time when you have a lot of opinions to share and you’re using Mars to get your point across, perhaps even pointedly so. That said, it’s still Scorpio Season, a time when you turn your attention towards your material needs. You already had a jump on things in October when Venus, your ruling planet, was in Scorpio. So, you’re taking inventory again on what you own. You’re more aware of money and spending and what’s in your bank account. It’s a season to gather up what you need as you prepare for the coming months. When Mars squares with Pluto on November 5, you may be feeling a lot of powerful emotions around what it means to have enough and to feel safe and secure in this world. It’s a day to transmute old, limiting value systems, too, especially anything that’s carried over from childhood or even your ancestors. Then on November 12 a full moon puts the spotlight on finance and assets. You’re thinking about wealth, taking a look at credit card statements, or making plans to create more financial security in your life. Although Mercury is retrograde during the full moon, meaning its a time when we want to be a little cautious about the choices we’re making, it’s a time when you may have to make a major financial decision. If you have to move ahead, make sure you’re getting all the information, especially if you’re getting conflicting or confusing information. Then on November 20 Mars arrives in Scorpio and whatever financial work you’ve been doing takes priority. For the rest of the year, you’re taking action with your money, you’re going after what you need materially, you’re gathering resources, and you’re very aware of the value of things. You may also be looking at the value of a relationship. Can you trust the person that you’re with? Do they bring you stability and security in your life? When Mars faces off with Uranus on November 24, you may have to see a relationship in a completely different light in the days leading up. Or, something that was hidden may come to the surface, especially with Mercury turning direct on November 20. That said, come November 23, it’s Sagittarius Season, a time when you get out to explore and try new things. The last week or so of November may also be quite busy with travel or the demands of everyday life. It’s also a time when there’s a push to take classes, educate yourself, or learn about something new. By November 25, Venus moves to Capricorn and you’re starting to pull towards home and family. The rest of the month, as well as the beginning of December, is a time to nest and get cozy in the home. Do keep in mind that you’re been doing a lot of work on this part of your life the past couple of years and you may be gearing up for some big changes in the home as you go into December. Want a deeper look at how November will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now. You can also learn more about November’s astrology in my pre-recorded video.

Key Themes: Action, drive, determination, getting your point across, opinions, arguments, aggressiveness, taking the lead, putting yourself first, ideas, information, writing, speaking, communication, messages, conversations, choices, decisions, movement, travel, trips, exploration, money, income, stability, security, trust, material needs, material life, finance, resources, wealth, debt, taxes, loans, facing fears, going into the unknown, relationships, relationship dynamics.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

Happy birthday! Here’s to a new year, one that will surely be quite different than the previous birthdays. You go into a birthday season with a fresh reminder that Uranus is shaking things up in the relationship department. Yes, ever since Uranus arrived in Taurus, your relationship sign, back in March, you entered a new chapter in your life where you need to completely reinvent how you connect, socialize, interact, and partner up with people … for the next seven years. Even though the Scorpio New Moon was a few days before the start of November, it activated Uranus’s energy and says that throughout November you’re answering this call to change relationships. This month could bring a new relationship if you’re single or ask that you take a fresh look at all your relationships, even a current partnership. Here’s the thing about you, Scorpio. For a sign that’s supposedly all about change, you actually resist it … unless you’re in complete control. So as you blow out the candles on another birthday cake, ask yourself, how can you open up to another person more? How can you let go of your guard and defense that can sometimes keep people out? Everything is changing right now. Then again, you already know that — you’re a sign of keen perception — but you can no longer fight what’s naturally unfolding. Anyway, not to get ahead of myself, while you’re celebrating a new year, a time of renewal and fresh starts, you’ve also got one foot in the past. With Mars in Libra until November 19, the first two and a half weeks of November have you resting, reflecting, and turning inward to search for answers. It’s a time of soul searching and recharging your batteries. You may also feel like keeping a low profile, which can make for a more subdued birthday season. As Mars comes up to Pluto on November 5, strong emotions may surface. It’s also a power day, but one that pushes you towards spirituality and connection to Source. Pay attention to your intuition and the messages that you’re receiving from the other side. Mercury is also retrograde in Scorpio for most of November, so on that note, it’s not a month to speak without thinking. Be mindful of what you’re saying and how you’re using your voice. Then on November 12, a full moon lights up you relationship sign of Taurus. The days around the full moon may be more social than usual. You may be connecting with new people and new relationships, especially people that shake up the status quo. By November 19, Mars arrives in Scorpio and you’re finally feeling more like yourself. Mars gives you motivation, courage, and the power to start something new. In fact, you’ll be a force to be reckoned with for the rest of the year. (Use this power wisely.) But as Mars gets into Scorpio, it also faces off with Uranus. You may feel an electric surge of energy in the days around November 24, a restlessness to make a powerful change breakthrough. Relationships may challenge or they may awaken. By November 23 you say goodbye to Scorpio Season and enter in a time devoted towards money and material stability. The Sagittarius New Moon gives you new opportunity and a new season to go after what you need materially. As you go into December, you’re gathering your resources and assessing what you own. You may be spending more in the last weeks of November or enjoying the bounty and pleasure of the physical world. Want a deeper look at how November will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now. You can also learn more about November’s astrology in my pre-recorded video.

Key Themes: New beginnings, endings, wrapping up the past, soul searching, reflection, rest, transformation, surrender, recuperation, relationships, partnership, connection, socialization, interaction, negotiation, change in relationship, new relationship, upending the status quo, rewinding your steps, looking at yourself, reflection, money, income, stability, security, resources, assets, what you own, what you need materially.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius Glyph

Scorpio Season is your time to pull back from the world as you prepare for your next personal year. It’s a time to rest, turn inward, and cultivate the emotional wealth that fuels your wisdom. And as you do so, you may be reflecting on the previous eleven months. Based on your astrology of 2019, this has probably been a challenging year. You’ve had to struggle with your faith — faith that everything will work out, faith in yourself, faith in the world, faith in something greater — which may have taken a few knocks. So, as you look back at the year, you may be sorting through some complicated emotions. Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio until November 20 gives you a chance to go back and revisit complicated emotions that need a second look. It also helps you to see into parts of yourself that are previously hidden. Your dreams may even be more vivid or telling than usual. As much as you’re looking inward this month, you’re also looking towards the future. Mars is still in Libra until November 19 and you’re strategizing for the future, connecting and networking, and reaching out to your community. That said, a Taurus Full Moon on November 12 puts the spotlight on work, projects, and taking care of your day-to-day life. As much as you’re shedding the past during Scorpio Season and preparing to welcome in your own, you’re getting a push to figure out the basics of how your life flows. And since full moons are decision points, a time when we see something in the light, you may have a decision to make about your health, diet, and fitness. Keep in mind that this part of your life is in the midst of a radical overhaul or reinvention courtesy of Uranus in Taurus. Whatever decisions you’re making or shifts in your personal wellbeing or how you work or organize your life, they may reflect some of the bigger changes that have been unfolding since March if not before. By November 19, Mars moves into Scorpio and kicks off a period of time that takes you to the end of the year, a period where you’re cleaning out the past, making spirituality a priority, and releasing negative attachments or addictions. For all the soul searching you’re doing in November, it ramps up in earnest in the last half of November. It’s also a time to rest and recharge. By November 20 Mercury turns direct, which gives you some needed forward direction in your professional life as well as relationships. Then on November 23 the Sun arrives in Sagittarius and kicks off your season! The Sagittarius New Moon on November 26 gives you a personal reset and new beginning, one that helps you turn over a new leaf for your coming personal year. With Jupiter, your ruling planet, wrapping up its stay in Sagittarius this month, this new moon helps you to reconnect to who you are after a year that made you question so much You’re feeling alive and ready to jump into the next adventure. Want a deeper look at how November will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now. You can also learn more about November’s astrology in my pre-recorded video.

Key Themes: Letting go, shedding the past, rest, retreat, spirituality, soul searching, searching for deep answers, meditation, recuperation, breaking addictions or old patterns, charm, style, grace, friends, socializing, social circle, networking, looking towards the future, aspirations, goals, community, groups, connection, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, organization, projects, daily life, rituals, new beginnings, new adventures.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn Glyph

Hanging in there, Capricorn? It’s been quite the workout this year, what with the ups and downs of this year’s eclipses in Capricorn as well Cancer, your relationship sign. You’ve been stepping into a major new chapter in your life courtesy of Saturn in Capricorn since 2018 while needing to make massive personal and structural changes courtesy of Pluto in Capricorn. It’s safe to say that it’s been a lot. So, having navigated all of this in 2019, when you look towards the future, what do you see? Do you have aspirations for the new year? Goals that you’re aiming for? Scorpio Season helps you to see ahead of the curve and with Mars still in your career sign, use the first half of November to network, make new professional connections, and reach out to allies. In fact, square off between Mars and Pluto on November 5 is a time to push forward professionally. (Yes, Mercury is retrograde until November 20, not to worry. Just make sure you’re double checking things.) Speaking of Mercury Retrograde, it’s rewinding and retracing things in Scorpio, which is also your sign of friends and community. As a result, you may be hearing from old friends, revisiting an issue between you and a friend, or navigating some miscommunication. Just a heads up. By November 12, a full moon puts the spotlight on creativity and talent. It also highlights themes of identity and persona. Do you know who you are? Keep in mind that you’re in the midst of reinventing yourself and opening up how you express and share your talents and creativity with others. The full moon wants you to let go this persona based on how others see you and the need to confirm to that versus who you really are. Capricorns sometimes put so much pressure on themselves to build the life that you’re supposed to build in the eyes of family, community, and society. And a lot of what you’ve been tearing down this year has been a lot of this conditioning. Then on November 19 Mars moves into Scorpio and you spend the rest of the year feeling the push to go after your goals and move ahead. You may be socializing more, reaching out to friends and community, or tuning into social or even political issues, too. By November 23 the Sun arrives in Sagittarius and you begin a season that takes you behind the scenes to rest and reflect on what this past year has meant for you. It’s a time of soul searching and looking within for answers. You may be feeling more spiritually inclined than usual as well. If you’re feeling restless, like you want to make some big changes around this time, that’s because Mars and Uranus face off on November 24. There’s an impulsive need to leave anything that’s restrictive or not letting you be yourself. Just try not to be too rash. But it’s a time of awakenings and seeing things in a much different light. That said, a new moon on November 23 pulls you even deeper into yourself. Meditate or find some quiet time. You’ve had to cultivate a lot of faith this year as you’ve navigated some difficult astrology. The rest of the month is a soulful time as you become aware of just how much you’ve grown. Want a deeper look at how November will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now. You can also learn more about November’s astrology in my pre-recorded video.

Key Themes: Friendships, social circle, social network, community, groups, social connection, society, politics, the future, looking ahead, aspirations, goals, career, ambitions, professional life, the public, belonging, fitting in, the self, persona, identity, self expression, creativity, talents, children, shedding the past, letting go, endings, preparing for a new life, soul searching, inner wisdom, spirituality, inner growth, spiritual growth.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

I was at a networking event recently and I met an Aquarius and after talking a little bit about her life and some of the emotions and situations she’s had to navigate this year, I explained to her that 2019 has been a year where one of the big hands on Aquarius’s clock has been pointing towards releasing the past and drawing to a close a nearly 30 year cycle. (Yes, 30 years, which may even be before you were born.) See, in Aquarius’s clock, time moves more slowly. It’s deliberate, thoughtful, and focuses attention on certain areas of its life every two and a half to three years. For you, Aquarius, you’re coming to the end of a long chapter. You’ve been working behind the scenes since 2018 to tie up loose ends, dig into your blind spots, and uncover the wisdom that you’ve gained over many years. December and January bring one more big push to close out this old life and you may be feeling things moving and shifting internally in November in preparation. That said, it’s Scorpio Season, a time in your personal calendar when the sun shines on career, ambitions, and your public life. Although it’s a time to make big strides or even make a job change, Mars has been in your sign of higher education and you may be focused on getting the education or training you need in November to put towards your professional ambitions. You may also be traveling for work. A square between Mars and Pluto on November 5 is a powerful push to transform your thinking and how you see the world so you can open up to new opportunities on a professional level. Looking ahead to the full moon on November 12, it puts the spotlight on home and family, reminding you that for all your professional strides this month, you need to make sure your foundation is strong to support them. As a result, you may be focused on the home around the middle of the month, tending to your base of operations or spending time with family more. This time may also be a natural time to move or plan a move if you’ve been thinking of it. Keep in mind that home and family have been an area in the midst of a major transformation and reinvention since March if not stretching back to 2018. If you’re making changes in the home or in your living situation this month, they may reflect the radical changes you’ve been making over this year. (I’ve seen a lot of Aquarians make major moves in the last year or so.) It’s also a time to completely change how you take care of yourself and get your emotional needs met, especially if there’s a story stretching back to childhood that’s been preventing you from connecting to others in the way that you need to. Then on November 19 Mars arrives in Scorpio and you enter a period, until the end of the year, that marks a two year career peak for you. Mars is strong in Scorpio. It goes after what it wants. It maneuvers and asserts itself behind the scenes. Use the rest of November and December to reach for your ambitions, to get recognition, and step forward towards your goals. That said, a face off between Mars and Uranus on November 24 may shake things up in your career or upend how you see yourself or see the world. On November 23, the Sun moves into Sagittarius, shifting some of the narrative this month towards friendships and community. The Sagittarius New Moon on November 26 opens a new chapter, giving you a push to make new friends into December, strengthen alliances in your community, and expand your social network. Want a deeper look at how November will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now. You can also learn more about November’s astrology in my pre-recorded video.

Key Themes: Career, professional life, worldly life, ambitions, responsibilities, title, status, recognition, visibility, home, family, living situation, roots, foundation, a move, preparing for a move, relocation, emotional needs, the past, emotional security, social network, social circle, connection, friends, community, the future, ideology, the collective, politics.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

Pisces, what new opportunities have opened for you professionally since November of last year? What new direction are you going? What responsibilities have you taken on? With Jupiter, your ruling planet, in Sagittarius, your career sign, this has been a year for you to focus on your ambitions as well as to get recognized for your efforts. It’s possible that the past year has been a lot of hard work. I mention all this because of two things. One, Jupiter will move into Capricorn on December 2, kicking off another year long chapter, this one devoted to friendships, community building, and new social connections. Two, as Jupiter prepares to leave Sagittarius, you may get some cosmic feedback on all your hard work. A new job? A promotion? A pat on the back? First, let’s focus on Scorpio. It’s Scorpio Season, after all, a time when your attention turns towards education and travel. In fact, you may have a big trip planned this month or one in the works. (Yes, Mercury is retrograde until November 20. Just factor that into your planning.) But this is a season when you’re doing a lot of digging into how you see the world and the beliefs or opinions — some that may not be helpful — that shape how you see the world. Between Mercury Retrograde and Mars digging deep into the hidden parts of your psyche and your emotions, you may be doing some personal transformation and healing work in the first half of November. In fact, a square between Mars and Pluto on November 5 gives you an opportunity to powerfully transform old limiting beliefs. That said, a full moon in Taurus on November 12 puts the spotlight on ideas, information, learning, and communication. Make sure you’re being heard or, better yet, make sure you’re being mindful of how you communicate with others. All this deep digging this month may help you to open up to new ideas and new ways of thinking. By November 19, Mars moves into your travel sign of Scorpio where it will remain for the rest of the year. If you had been waiting for Mercury Retrograde to end before making any serious decisions about a trip, Mercury turns direct on November 20. And with Mars heating things up, you may be feeling a strong desire to hop on a plane and explore the world. Education also takes priority into the end of the year and you’re either thinking about going back to school or taking classes or getting professional development training. On November 23 the Sun arrives in Sagittarius, meeting up with Jupiter and reminding you of all the work you’ve done to get ahead professionally since the end of last year. A Sagittarius New Moon on November 26 opens up a new chapter professionally, one that lasts until December 26. You may be spending the rest of the year making moves in your career, getting a new job, receiving a promotion, or getting recognized for a project you’ve been working on. That said, make sure you’re taking care of yourself in the later half of November. With Neptune turning direct in Pisces on November 27, you may be feeling a little tired or scattered going into December. Want a deeper look at how November will affect you? Book your one-on-one consultation now. You can also learn more about November’s astrology in my pre-recorded video.

Key Themes: Travel, journeys, education, faith, truth, meaning, foreign travel, philosophy, religion, world view, right and wrong, choices, new perspectives, new options, new ideas, communication, information, messages, learning, talking, writing, schooling, deep emotions, the deep self, the psyche, facing fears, facing the shadow, vulnerability, opening up.

Photo by Alessio Lin on Unsplash