This is a transcription of the following video for Pisces in March 2021.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

Hey, Pisces, this is your March 2021 horoscope. My name is Katie Sweetman. I am with Empowering Astrology. So, let’s take a look at this month. So, in March, it’s your birthday season. Happy birthday, Pisces. So, we’ve reached the end of the Zodiac and you have the honor of being the last sign of the Zodiac. Because you are the last sign the Zodiac you sort of take us, navigate us through the space where we are sort of leaving behind the physical world.

We are in this liminal space between this world and the next world. We are between lives. We are between states of being. So, it’s a very spiritual sign, a very energetic sign, has a lot of compassion, but it’s also a sign that can be very sensitive and sometimes even overwhelmed. So, that said, you know, Pisces, every year your planet Jupiter, sidenote, your planet Jupiter is always in a different sign. It spends approximately a year in each of the Zodiac signs.

So, this means that your life has this distinct year long — which add up to 12 years — cycles. Well, sidenote, so with the Jupiter and Aquarius for your birthday season, you may be kind of pulled away from the world. Aquarius represents your last sign of the Zodiac. And this means that this is a year where you’re pulling inward. You are reflecting you are looking back not just at the last year since your previous birthday, but you’re looking at the last 12 years.

Perhaps the last time Jupiter was in Pisces, I think was 2009, 2010? I have to look back, do some quick math. But nevertheless, you know, Saturn is also in Aquarius, so Saturn is also in your last sign. So, this is actually a longer period of time where you need to sort of let go of the past, sort of go within, then answer existential questions, things that normally Pisces are completely up for.

But, I’m saying this in case you sort of go into this birthday season and things feel heavy, either things feel heavy or things feel like they’re in this in-between, where maybe you’re really soul searching or questioning a lot of the things. This part of your chart, I call it the ‘God Room’, you know, God can be a little bit of a controversial word, you know, source creator. But this room, it’s a very sacred inner chapel, so to speak.

So, it’s like you’re spending time there this year. Jupiter will just FYI dip into Pisces come May, it will dip back out at the end of July. So, you’re sort of in and out of these two different states, these two different chapters this year. So, here’s my recommendation. This is a time to really reflect. This is a time to really shed the things that you have been holding onto. It can be passed pains past emotions, past hurts because this is your time.

It’s as if this birthday season you’re in a room and it’s full of luggage. It’s full of boxes. And these are things that you’ve accumulated over the last twelve years, maybe even last, you know, all of your life and maybe even multiple times. So, really use this time to kind of get right with yourself, get right with your spirit, your soul, your whatever you want to call it, because it’s sort of your preparing for the next journey.

And this is a journey that will, in a way begin in 2022/2023. So, how would you prepare and maybe because it’s your birthday season. I know COVID, of course, but this is maybe a quiet birthday season. Maybe you’re spending it with the people that really you feel connected to and understand you. You know, as we start this month, we are going to see some shifts. Now, Pisces, even though the eclipses have been happening in Gemini and Sagittarius, which Gemini is your sign of home and family, Sagittarius is your career sign. These are two areas that are going to see a lot of shifts this year. But Mars is going into your sign of home and family. So, when Mars gets to the bottom of the chart, it’s a little bit of a noisy influence, so to speak. One hand you might be packing boxes, not just of the spiritual variety. You might be packing boxes to move. Mars in this part of the chart can bring a move.

It can bring a change in the household. Somebody moves in somebody moves out. You move in, you move out. It’s about home. It’s about family, and it’s also about getting your emotional needs met, but Mars can get a little fussy. If your home environment gets a bit noisy into April don’t be surprised. Mars in this part of your chart can also speak to home renovation projects so sometimes that noise is actually quite literal. It’s the banging of hammers and saws and what have you. But that Mars is going to make what’s called a conjunction to the eclipse degree of November 30th. So, it’s sort of activating these changes in the home that have been brewing over the last few months, which actually brings me to March 13th. There is a Pisces new moon. So, the new moon that is in your sign is your personal reset for the year. It is the time of new beginnings, birthday wishes sort of going out, especially if your birthday is around the 30th plus or minus a couple of days.

It’s really a time of new beginnings.

So, you might feel that things are a little bit behind the scenes. And then maybe if you’re born the 13th, I’m going up to the 20th of March, that things are a little bit on a different wavelength of energy, like it’s a little bit more active, a little bit more moving forward. But, use this new moon to set the tone for the year. You’ll have these new beginnings. Again, it’s you are letting go of the past so that you can make way for the future.

This new moon does bring you forward into a new lunar month. The next day or two days later, we have Mercury finally get out of Aquarius because it did this long retrograde and back and forth and goes into Pisces March 15th. So, this means that you just might have more to say as you go into the end of the month. There might be a lot more movement. Maybe you’re kind of talking more about how you feel or maybe there’s something going on with not just home and family, but relationships as well.

Then on March 20th, the sun goes into Aries. So, we have a new astrological year. Aries is first sign of the Zodiac, it’s new beginnings. The Zodiac is very northern hemisphere biased. So, it is the start of Spring here and in the northern hemisphere. So Aries is like new beginnings, renewal, green shoots, spring. I know for those of you who are in the Southern Hemisphere, it is the start of autumn. So, with Aries, this new infusion of energy and moving forward Aries is your sign of money, income, material stability.

Maybe you’re feeling very motivated to focus on your material life because Mars, the ruler of Aries, is over in Gemini. You’re having to make purchases for the home. Maybe you’re having to deal with property or income or something, having to do, you know, tied up with the home. I think there might be even deeper themes around value and worth and especially deeper themes around value and worth. They have to do with how you’re raised and your family.

It’s probably going to be a lot more of a busier time come the end of this month, especially in the home environment. Two days later, Venus joins the Sun and Aquarius in Aries. So, Venus is money, it’s income. So, you might be spending even more money. So just do what you have to do. Of course, when we get to the end of the month. Speaking of money, there is going to be a full moon in Libra, Libra as one of your money signs, Aries is the other money sign.

So, the spotlight is on your finance, your assets, the things you own and partnerships or even marriages, if that’s relevant to you. But it’s time to focus on debt, taxes and spending. So, there might be something about a mortgage or a loan, but it also might be time when you’re having to make some decisions about your financial future or some financial decisions in general. With Venus, the ruler of this full moon, conjunct Chiron and Aries, there’s some kind of dynamic that’s happening about money and material stability and material security and trust.

And Venus is touching on a pain point. Chiron is a pain point in the sign. It talks about that deeper wound, not only to use the wounds with Chiron, that deeper wound about value. Are you valued? Do you know your self worth? Do you know your currency, so to speak. So you might have to really navigate some themes where if you’re dealing with a partner or there’s something about money and other people, you have to know exactly what you’re worth.

You have to maybe in an Aries way, stand up for yourself, but know that on a broader level, you’re in a time of sheading the past. So just keep that in mind in case that factors into some of your thinking. But this is a dynamic full moon, the dynamic month, because it’s bringing up eclipse energy. So, for you, Pisces, you might be seeing some shifts and some changes in home and family and your professional life.

But we will see.

So, there you go. Pisces, that is your look at the astrology of March 2021. Again, happy birthday. My name is Katie Sweetman. This is Empowering Astrology. You can follow me online at I’m on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and I hope to see you all next month. Take care.
