This is a transcription of the following video for Aquarius January 2021.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

Hey, Aquarius, this is your look at the astrology of March 2021. My name is Katie Sweetman. I’m with Empowering Astrology. So, let’s take a look at this month. I think first, let’s start looking at things from a broader perspective. So in February you had a lot of planets in Aquarius, it’s like you had a lot going on at one point we had six planets in Aquarius around that Aquarius full moon in February.

But, this month, March 2021, the planets are starting to shift away from Aquarius to sort of going in different areas, and so the narrative is changing. But, first, you have to keep in mind that all year long Saturn, your planet is not only in Aquarius. So it’s time for new beginnings, taking the next big step up in your life, getting your proverbial house in order. But, Saturn is square Uranus, you’re getting a lot of pressure this year to make some changes.

These are changes that sort of tell you that you have to be you, 100 percent. You cannot hold back. You cannot try to fit yourself into a life that’s not yours because you have Uranus trying to push you to make some bigger structural changes in your life this year. So, there’s that. Starting in March, Mars will change signs. It has left Taurus, which is your sign of home and family, probably means that your home environment was a bit busy the first two months of the year.

March 3rd, Mars goes into Gemini, which is Aquarius’s sign of self, self-expression, creativity, fun, play and maybe Aquarius, you could use some fun and play after maybe the last two months you’ve had. It typically is a little bit more of a lighthearted time, but I think that this is pushing you to express who you are, to make time for creativity, to get motivated to play. Maybe there’s a focus on children at this time?

But I think at the heart of any time a planet spends a longer frame of time in this part of your chart, I think you have to get to the core of who you are. And maybe with so much going on, it’s easy to kind of lose you a little bit and to forget exactly who you are. So, that’s what Mars is doing for the next six weeks into April. But it’s Pisces season. And you have a Pisces new moon on March 13th, in what’s called your money sign?

Pisces is your money sign. So Pisces season, yes, going into the beginning of March is Pisces season. But it’s not until the 13th or towards the end of Pisces season that we have the Pisces New Moon. New Moons are new beginnings, they open up a new chapter. Yes, we have these, you know, four week-long Pisces season or, you know, fill in the blank season. But when you have that new moon, it’s sort of is a reset for the sign.

It’s a reset for the season, it is the time when the lens is on that sign. So, on the 13th now it’s really, truly time to turn over a new leaf with your material life, with the money you make, with needing to look at your bank accounts, needing to gather the resources that you need. This is intrinsically a time that gets back to value. What do you value? Are you earning a living in the way that truly matters your values?

Pisces is a very spiritual sign. It says that your professional life or how you earn a living, it can’t just be for the money. You have to have some heart in it, there has to be some altruism. It has to sort of feel like it’s doing something in this world. And sometimes when that doesn’t happen, Aquarius might feel that something’s not quite right. So, this new moon is the time to get back and reset to what you truly need.

Jupiter, the ruler of the new moon, is in Aquarius. Jupiter, for the most part, is spending the year minus maybe like three, four months in Aquarius. So, this is, again, getting back to you. You know how you earn a living, the money that you make, the things that you value, the things that you need materially. How do you go back to sort of yourself and getting clear about what you need?

And Jupiter’s a little close to Saturn in the skies, a little wide. But I think we still have to honor the fact that Saturn is setting a lot of boundaries right now and saying yes to the things that you need to say yes to and no to the things that you need to say no to. This might mean saying yes and no to things and your material life and maybe to what Saturn wants you to do is to get very clear about what you need, clearing out what you don’t need and really knowing exactly your value and your worth. A couple of days later, we have Mercury finally leaving Aquarius, it’s been there since January 30th in Aquarius because we had a retrograde in February, so when it goes into Pisces, your money sign, it’s a time again to look back at these deeper themes around value and worth of material stability. Mercury is about choice, sort of the duality of life, but it’s also about communication. So maybe you’re needing to kind of communicate your material needs as you go further into March. But as we get to March 20th, that’s when the sun goes into Aries, and speaking of communication Aries is your sign of communication, voice, ideas, information and learning. So, when the sun goes into Aries, it’s a couple of things, one it is the start of a new astrological year. Aries is the first sign; Pisces is the last sign. So it’s a time of new beginnings. Astrology is very northern hemisphere biased, so apologies to those in the southern hemisphere, but it’s about Spring renewal, new shoots, fresh shoots of life.

And Aries wants to sort of take action and take charge. So you may have a lot to say as you go into the end of March. You might feel restless. You have to move, you have to talk. You have to take classes. You have to learn. You have to read. You have to be on your phone all the time. There’s might be this heightened sense of restlessness as you go into the end of March. With Mars, the ruler of Aries over in Gemini, you’re going to feel this even more. Now, for those of you who are an Aquarius and you are a writer, or you are doing anything creative, this period, the last week or so of March, going into actually April, might be very creative, very prolific. Maybe if you’re a writer, you’re writing a lot or if you create something and suddenly you’ve got a lot of ideas. So, how are you going to put them into reality?

Maybe you’re just sort of spit balling a lot and sort of gathering a lot of ideas. But, this is a time to get clearer about what you have to say. Aries is also your travel sign, and I realize you can’t do a lot of traveling these days, but, in case you need to move and explore in other ways, or maybe you’re having to regardless run around town, do errands, go do some road trips for whatever reason, this is your time and your astrology chart to do so. Venus will also change signs and move into Aries come the next day, March 21st. Venus is your sign of home and family. So, you might be hearing from family members. You might be having a lot of back and forth with your family members. Communication, texts, phone calls, does anyone make phone calls anymore? Maybe you’re having to kind of do a lot of visiting and connecting with loved ones.

And even if it’s not actual physical family members, certainly these can be the people who are like family because you are in a bigger period of time, Aquarius, where the notion of home and family is in the midst of a very radical remake in your life because Uranus will be in Taurus for the next five years. That’s another story for another time. As we get to the end of the month, we’re going to have a full moon in Libra.

So, for you, Aquarius, Libra is your sign of higher education, philosophy, faith, truth, meaning, convictions. What do you stand for? How do you see yourself in the world and how do you see the world? Does it need to shift? Does it need to change, full moons in general actually sort of demands attention. They demand that we make some decisions. We see things for what they really are. And from there we sort of make a left or right or up or down as we need to do.

So, this full moon might be saying it’s time to go back to school or this full moon might say that we need to get new ideas, new information, new perspectives, or we need to stand up for our convictions and what we believe in. It’s a very philosophical full moon. Maybe you’re looking out into the world and kind of exploring different cultures, different ways of doing things. This is also the part of the chart would normally talk about long distance travel, travel abroad.

You know, I’ve I’ve realized we can’t do these things right now. So maybe you’re happy to do it in another way. But Libra and Aries are your signs of also publishing. So if you’re a writer. Or if you are in broadcast or you’re trying to get your ideas out there, this full moon is very much a part of that dynamic. With Venus over in Aries making something called a conjunction to Chiron, this full moon is going to highlight a pain point.

There is this deeper story that you’re working through over the next few years. And this has been the last couple of years where you have to really find the courage to express your voice, your ideas, share your thoughts, maybe even believe in your intelligence or that you know enough. So, this full moon might highlight and maybe even impress upon that pain point. So, if you’re sort of looking out there in the world and standing up for what you believe in or sharing your faith or sharing your convictions, you might be feeling that emotion come up like, am I safe to talk about what I believe in and am I safe to put my ideas or my information or my knowledge out there?

Something to keep in mind if you’re navigating some deeper emotions as you get to the end of this month. But there you go, Aquarius. It’s a big time. You’ve got a lot going on in your life right now. Some of the bigger astrology you don’t forget is that it’s time for you to make some personal changes and to be the person that you are meant to be and not the person that maybe somebody else or family or community or whomever want you to be.

So there you go. That’s your astrology for 2021. My name is Katie Sweetman. I am an astrologer and psychic medium here in Brooklyn, New York. You can follow me online at Empowering Astrology. I’m on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and I hope to see you all next month.

Have a wonderful March. Take care. Bye.