Welcome to the Libra New Moon. This is the time in the lunar calendar when we turn our attention to relationship. How do we connect? How do we partner? With the new moon making contact to Saturn and Pluto, we may have to make a major restructuring. The new moon is exact on October 16, 2020 at 3:31 pm EDT, 23 degrees Libra. That’s 12:31 pm Los Angeles, 8:31 pm London, 6:31 am Sydney on October 17, and 8:31 am Auckland.

If the zodiac is the wheel of life, every sign, of course, plays an important role. When we reach Libra, we’re at the midpoint of the zodiac, the point of balance between all the other signs. Libra teaches us the importance of socialization and interaction, to value the needs of others, and work to make compromises so that life maintains a sense of harmony and order. Without Libra, the scales of life tip wildly out of balance.

New moons are also new beginnings and, over the next four weeks, we’re opening a new chapter, one where we need to focus on our relationships in all their forms. Single and wanting to make new connections? This is a new moon for new initiatives. In a romantic partnership that needs attention? The new moon brings renewal. Need more interaction and interconnection? Here is your lunar month to do so, all so that life can find its balance again.

This is also a time to connect with the planet Venus, the ruler of Libra. Venus speaks to the beauty of life, whether physical or inner beauty. It’s design and aesthetic. It’s also charm, manners, and social graces.

At the heart of this new moon, however, is a lot of complicated astrology. The Sun and Moon square Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn. They also oppose Mars in Aries, which is still retrograde. This means that over the coming four weeks, we have to take a hard look at our partnerships. Do they have the strength and power to support us into the future? Are there toxic relationship patterns that need to be addressed? Does something need to be fundamentally transformed, stripped down, or rebuilt? Are we taking our commitments seriously?

This new moon is also the last new or full moon that will directly contact Saturn and Pluto while they are together in Capricorn. Which is to say, this is a major point in a story that began at the start of 2018. It’s also a major point in a story that began in 2008.

Yes, think back twelve years ago. Think of your life and reflect on what’s massively changed since then. It’s quite likely that there’s a particular part of your life that’s seen a total and sometimes painful transformation. 2008 was the year that Pluto entered Capricorn. (Need a refresh where? Read Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign.)

Then at the start of 2018, Saturn entered Capricorn and began to demand that we either consolidate or further restructure (or obliterate) what we’ve been working on since 2008. Fast forward to 2020 and this year’s conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This is why 2020 directly connects to events that began in 2008. And in many ways this year echoes twelve years ago.

My point is that this new moon isn’t an ordinary new moon. It has roots. It’s connected to other events, other times that stretch back to 2008. It’s a culmination of a lot of hard work we’ve been doing to grow and evolve since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008. And it reveals the maturity as well as the accountability to the lessons we’ve been learning since Saturn entered Capricorn in 2018.

Astrology is never individual, standalone moments in time. Astrology is a great tapestry. We just have to know where to look.

So, what does this mean for you? There’s a certain part of your life, depending on where Libra falls for you in your chart, that is a crucial point in this ongoing story. (I talked about this in my weekly astrology video for October 12-18, 2020. You can watch the replay here.) This point needs balance, harmony, and commitment.

We’re also making some serious decisions over the coming days and weeks. Saturn demands no less. And Pluto means that we have to look at something about ourselves (and others) that maybe we didn’t want to look at. The new moon’s opposition to Mars means that maybe the coming days and weeks are a bit confrontational, too.

Lastly, we have to know that Venus is in Virgo opposing Neptune in Pisces for this new moon. Whatever happens, there’s and element of surrender that needs to happen. We also have to find forgiveness, compassion, and even redemption. Neptune demands no less.

Side note — I’m involved in a project called Cosmos, Crystals, and Cabernet, which pairs wine with astrology and crystals. If interested, you have until October 22 to order your tasting kit so that it arrives in time for our virtual tasting event on November 1. This kit includes a bottle of Petite Sirah, a mahogany obsidian sphere, and notes on the astrology of the October 31 Halloween full moon. (Unfortunately at the moment this is only available to those in the United States because it would be difficult to ship wine internationally in time. And if you can’t make the live video call, a replay will be available.) Click here to learn more and order.

Read More:

Chart of the October 16, 2020 Libra New Moon

Event — Cosmos, Crystals, and Cabernet: A Virtual Wine Tasting and Crystal Pairing

Mars in Aries: Sign by Sign

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Video — The Astrology of October 12-18, 2020

October 2020 Horoscopes

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