Welcome to the Leo New Moon, the time in the zodiac calendar for us to rediscover ourselves, our talents, and the spark of life within over the next four weeks. Leo is a sign that inspires us to create and find our passion. Without joy, there is no life. The new moon is exact on August 18, 2020 at 10:41 pm EDT, 26 degrees Leo. That’s 7:41 pm Los Angles, 3:41 am London on August 19, 12:41 pm Sydney, and 2:41 pm Auckland.

New moons are new beginnings. They open up a new chapter as well as a time for us to renew and integrate the archetype of the zodiac sign that the new moon is in. If Leo is the sign of creativity, passion, individuality, and self expression, then this is a time for us to become aware of how we connect — or disconnect — with these themes that are so integral to life.

Fire signs, which Leo is one, are fuel. They bring needed motivation, like a spark or catalyst. The first fire sign is Aires. Ruled by the planet Mars, it’s raw power and determination. But Leo, ruled by the Sun, is a different type of power and motivation. It’s the fire that shines both within us and outside of us.

There are many reasons for why we’ve lost the spark. Or why we hid or disavow the light within. Maybe we’re burnt out because we’re not getting replenished. Leo Season and the Leo New Moon is a reminder that the Sun is an inexhaustible source of energy and that we need to reconnect to this natural flow of vitality. Otherwise we suffer. There is no light, no fire for us to create what we want or to feel the joy of living.

This Leo New Moon is all fire. Not only are the Sun and Moon in Leo, but Mercury, the planet of ideas, choice, and voice are, too. This new moon may be very inspiration and creative. We may have lots to say. We may even get a new spark of ideas or information that helps us to create something new.

Mars is over in Aries, another fire sign, and makes what’s called a trine to the Sun, Moon, and Mercury. This is dynamic energy that wants to go out, explore, and be courageous. It’s also a Mars that needs to stand up for what it believes in or freely share its wisdom and knowledge with others. This is a new moon that’s all about our convictions as well as our faith.

But there’s what’s called an inconjunct to Saturn in Capricorn, which can be a bit of a blind spot for us over the coming four weeks. We have to make sure that, whatever we’re putting our faith behind or whatever crusade we’re going on, or whatever we’re creating has accountability, practice, diligence, and commitment.

Read More:

Chart of the Leo New Moon

Mars in Aries: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Video — The Astrology of August 17-23, 2020

August 2020 Horoscopes

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