Jupiter, the planet of faith and wisdom, returns home to Pisces. Here we discover the other side of Jupiter’s quest to know and explore. Instead of travel and education, Jupiter turns us inward to find answers to life’s deepest questions.

Over the coming months, as Jupiter skips in and out of Pisces, a part of your life will need more spirituality, compassion, forgiveness, and inner truth. Not sure where? Read below for your Sun and rising sign.

Note that Jupiter is in Pisces from December 28, 2021 to May 10, 2022 and then again on October 28, 2022 to December 20, 2022, crossing back and forth between Aquarius and Aries. Jupiter originally previewed Pisces from May 13, 2021 to July 28, 2021. This is the first time Jupiter’s back in Pisces since 2010.

Aries and Aries Rising Inner wisdom, spirituality, retreat, existential search. Time to pull inward. The coming months will reveal that the greatest growth comes when you let go, forgive, and make space for something new. Time to also nourish your intuition as well as your soul.

Taurus and Taurus Rising Community, friendships, social causes, ideals. Time to grow your social circle. The coming months will bring in new friendships and nourish existing ones. It’s important that the people in your life share your spiritual values. It’s also a time to get involved in community projects and compassionate service to others.

Gemini and Gemini RisingCareer, professional growth, ambitions. Time to expand your career. While there’s opportunity to build your ambitions, it’s important to remember that whatever you are building in the world needs to feel spiritually aligned. New professional opportunities may come your way as well.

Cancer and Cancer RisingFaith, meaning, travel, education, law. Time to see the world. Although travel may be limited at the moment, Jupiter in Pisces expands your reach and inspires you to see other lands and learn about other points of view. It’s time to go back to school, search for meaning, and deepen your wisdom and knowledge.

Leo and Leo RisingInner work, the deep self, assets, wealth. Time to do the inner work. Jupiter gives you the faith and confidence to dive into the deepest parts of yourself, to face your fears, and explore themes around death and rebirth. It’s also a time of wealth, one where you may grow your assets and financial resources.

Virgo and Virgo RisingRelationships, other people, connection. Time to connect to others. The coming months will bring in new relationship or nourish existing partnerships and alliances. It will be a social time, too. If you are in an existing relationship that feels confining, Jupiter will give you the courage to leave.

Libra and Libra RisingHealth, fitness, work, projects, service. Time to work out. The coming months will inspire you to make healthy changes to diet and fitness or even shed old addictions. It’s also a time to get involved in service to others or start large projects. On the other side of things, you may be working more, but it’s important that whatever you get involved in, that it’s heart aligned.

Scorpio and Scorpio RisingCreativity, self expression, identity, talent, children. Time to play. The coming months will inspire you to express your talents and creativity as well as what makes you an individual. You will have a growing sense of identity. It may also bring pregnancy and children if that is something that is relevant.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius RisingHome, family, roots, foundation. Time to move. The coming months may inspire you to make changes in your home, from a change of residence to new family members joining the household. Home and family will bring your greatest growth, which in turn nourishes the roots of your life.

Capricorn and Capricorn RisingVoice, communication, learning, travel. Time to grow your voice. The coming months will inspire you to speak, sing, share, and in share your intuitive voice. With Pisces as the sign of compassion and forgiveness, it’s also time to lay to rest old hurts and grudges. It may also bring in new educational opportunities in the form of classes and workshops.

Aquarius and Aquarius RisingMoney, income, material needs, material stability. Time to grow your income. The coming months may bring in more money or more goods and resources. It may also increase spending, but it’s important that whatever you are spending your money on is heart aligned.

Pisces and Pisces RisingThe self, new beginnings, new initiatives, personal growth. Time to return to yourself. Jupiter inspires confidence and new beginnings in the coming months. There may also be a restlessness, as if you’ve completely a great journey and you’re eager to set sail again. You may even literally expand physically, so heads up if that’s something you may want to avoid.

Read More:

Jupiter in Aquarius: Sign by Sign

The Great Mutation from Earth to Air

Jupiter in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Jupiter in Sagittarius: Sign by Sign

Jupiter in Scorpio: Sign by Sign

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