This is a transcription of the following video for Taurus in January 2021.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

The thing about looking at monthly astrology is that we can’t look at a month as part of this compartmentalized story; it’s actually part of a bigger story. As you go into the new year, it’s a time when a new story is opening — but in a way it’s not a new story, it’s something that’s been happening behind-the-scenes or in front of the scenes since 2018. Do go back and think about it.

If you don’t know this already, the planet Uranus has been in Taurus since March 2019. It did dip into Taurus in May 2018 until November 2018, which was like your preview. Taurus: You are in a time of profound reinvention. Your sign — God love you — is a sign that doesn’t generally want to make a lot of big changes because your instinct is to preserve. Your instinct is to keep things the same, which is a wonderful instinct to create life and to create stability, but the planet that’s in your sign until 2026 is anything but stable. Uranus is trying to save you from you. It is trying to get you out of these old patterns. It is trying to get you opening up to something new and going in a new way, like this breath of fresh air or strike of lighting or an earthquake. If you are an early Taurus, meaning that you were born on the early side of Taurus in April, you’ve probably already seen a lot of the big changes begin.

This month it’s Capricorn season. Capricorn is your sign of faith and truth and meaning and trying to make sense of the world. It’s higher education; it’s foreign travel; it’s seeing the world. You were doing a lot of deep work in that part of your life when Saturn was there in 2020. Saturn isn’t there anymore. You had to answer a lot of big, existential questions throughout different points in 2020. What do I believe in? What are my convictions? Even though Saturn has moved on to Aquarius, you’re hearing this echo—this story is still playing out. So this Capricorn season might bring up some familiar stories around faith, truth, and meaning.

Saturn has moved into Aquarius and Aquarius is your sign of career. Taurus, you are in a major two-year chapter of trying to figure out a very simple question: What do you want to be when you grow up? It doesn’t matter if you are 25 or 85. Saturn is trying to get you to get very clear about your place in the world. If you know exactly what that is — fantastic — then, the next two years are about milestones; about stepping up; about new places, new positions, new titles, promotions. But if you’re not quite in alignment with where you need to go, it might create some changes and some friction.

There’s this push-pull that’s going to be happening in 2021 for you, Taurus. That really starts to come to a head in January. I’m going to say this to every sign: the astrology of January 2021 is not easy. It’s creating a lot of friction. Something new wants to come in, but then there’s the old. The old wants to preserve; it wants to keep things the same; it wants to build something. But then at the same time, things feel a little chaotic. You are changing. (I told you that you are in the midst of a several-year story of reinvention due to Uranus in your sign.) As you change, your career has to change. Your direction has to change. The title after your name has to change. You’re going to see this push and pull between you and this greater thing in the world throughout different points in 2021.

Venus, your ruling planet, enters Capricorn on January 8 and remains in that sign all month long. You’re needing to look toward the world. You travel. (And I realize we can’t really travel right now.) How do you look outward to make sense of everything?

On January 6, Mars goes into Taurus. Mars gets out of this limbo place that it’s been in your chart, so you might feel like you suddenly have a lot of initiative and a lot of a drive and a lot of energy. Maybe the things that you have not been able to do or say — suddenly you’ve got all this drive to do so. Things are going to start moving forward. It’s possible that things could move fast, except you have this square happening between Mars and Saturn. Mars will square Saturn on January 13. Mars square Saturn is brakes — it’s like you want to fly out of the gate right now with something but you can’t quite get out of first or second gear. There is a good side to that because of Uranus in Taurus and Mars meeting up with Uranus on January 20. There’s a part of you that wants to throw the baby out with the bathwater, but Saturn is trying to be sensible, trying to slow you down. I would see where this tension is happening in January, the part of you that wants to completely flip everything over and do things new, and the part of you that is like wait — plan — make sure this aligns with something bigger. We need to look toward the future; we need to think of something bigger.

Uranus turns direct at 6 degrees Taurus on January 14. People born toward the end of April to around May 1 are feeling this the most. There’s this huge need to make some big changes and Uranus, again, really wants you to reinvent yourself. Uranus doesn’t want you to be someone you’re not; Uranus wants you to be you. Uranus is going to start to take away the things, or it’s going to start to make you feel uncomfortable, in places where you have relied on things or people or situations that make you not you. This could be a substance, it could be food, it could be things like addictions that you rely on that take you away from yourself. This is about the self and rebirthing identity and really discovering who you truly are. Like I said, there’s this part of you that just wants to be impulsive a little bit in January, but you’ve got Saturn pumping the brakes a bit.

Do keep in mind that Mars is your relationship planet and it’s in a little bit of a tight spot this month. You may be finding that your interactions with people are a little testy or your own personal relationship is a little testy as well. Maybe you’re having to look at a relationship in a way that you’ve never looked at it before. Maybe you’re thinking about making some changes or ending things or changing the way you do things in a partnership. But again, you’ve got that back and forth happening between Mars and Saturn this month. Remember that January puts an echo back to some of the things you’ve been working on in 2018 and 2019 and 2020. This idea of faith and truth and meaning.

There is a Capricorn New Moon on January 13. This is a bit of an intense new moon because it exactly conjoins Pluto. There is some bigger story that’s been going on since 2008 about deconstructing the way you see the world, deconstructing old beliefs, deconstructing your own consciousness and the limitations in which you see things. Pluto is doing its thing again in January, so if you see a familiar thread or a familiar story happening now, you know why.

When the Sun enters Aquarius on January 19, that’s when the Sun enters the career part of your chart. Toward the latter part of this month, all eyes are on your professional life. Maybe that’s major milestones that are happening; new beginnings, new positions, new directions, changes in your work. When the sun goes into Aquarius, it’s going to meet up with Saturn on January 23 and activate this energy with Uranus. Things might get a little wobbly in your professional life or even in a relationship or in your home life going into the end of January.

And then we have a Leo Full Moon on January 28. This full moon activates the part of your chart that talks about home and family and where you live, so there could be a change in your living situation. There could be a move, a new decision about your living situation, or having to deal with something with your family.

January is a month which is very much a clash between the old and the new. You might see that clash happening in your career, in your identity, and also your living situation. It’s a big month, Taurus. Part of a bigger story.