This is a transcription of the following video for Scorpio in January 2021.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

The irony of 2021 is that it’s a new story and an old story at the same time. Some things have already been set in motion the past few years, thanks to Uranus entering Taurus in May 2018 and May 2019. Taurus is your opposite sign in the Zodiac. It’s your relationship sign, and those two dates coincided with the start of a Titanic shift in your life. Scorpio, you are a fixed sign. Fixed signs by their very nature don’t want to make changes. They put their stakes in the ground, they dig their heels, and they don’t move. We need signs in the Zodiac that flow and signs that start things new, but we also need signs that keep things fixed. There are three planets, Uranus is one of them, that are pushing buttons for the fixed signs. They’re saying that we’re not keeping things fixed; we’re not doing things the way that we were doing; and we have to now start do things differently. For you, Scorpio, this is in the area of how you connect with people, how you connect one-on-one; how you do relationships, intimate partnership, but also all relationships. A story has already begun around this theme and it jumps to the next level in January 2021, remaining present throughout the year.

Mars, your ruling planet, has been in Aries since the end of June. It has been in the part of your chart that is about work, health, managing day-to-day life and schedules, and trying to keep everything running. Scorpio, you have a tendency to be workaholic. You fixate on something and do things with a laser focus. For the past six months or so, you’ve probably been working your butt off and trying not to lose your mind.

On January 6, Mars goes into Taurus and it’s going to feel like a new chapter because you’ve been stuck in Aries land. When Mars goes into Taurus, it’s going to meet up with Uranus. Uranus is a planet that’s trying to save you from you. Scorpio, there are many reasons why you can get in your own way. My joke about Scorpio is that it’s the sign that has a reputation for wanting change and transformation, but Scorpio actually doesn’t change. It doesn’t want transformation. It only wants change and transformation when it’s on their terms. But here’s the thing, Scorpio: the change is not on your terms. For the next five years, because Uranus is going to be in Taurus another five years, Uranus is trying to get you out of your own way. If you’re stuck about something, about letting people in or connecting to people or doing relationships in some way, Uranus is trying to awaken you. Mars is going to be in Taurus through February, and it is all about relationships—not “old story” relationships, but “new story” relationships. It is possible that new people are coming into your life across the spectrum, both romantic and non-romantic. It’s possible that you’re feeling confronted to do relationships differently. Maybe people are calling you on your stuff. Maybe you’re having to shift and transform your ways, but it’s not on your terms.

Saturn just went into Aquarius on December 17, 2020. Aquarius forms the bottom of your chart. It’s home, family, and foundations. Scorpio, you are in a time right now where it’s about settling down, putting down roots, focusing on family. Saturn is more of a traditional planet. It wants the house; it wants the things. Maybe you’re thinking of settling down, getting a house, or making your living situation more conducive and more stable. But there’s this tension happening between the old and the new this month. New things are coming in and you’re trying to figure out how to strategize and create new systems, but at the same time consolidate.

Mars will make something called a square to Saturn on January 13. That might be a bit intense, but pay attention to what’s happening around that date. Saturn is trying to get you to set limits and boundaries. That same day is the Capricorn New Moon. Capricorn is the part of your chart that talks about voice and communication. That was an area you were doing a lot of work on over the past few years. It was really opening up your mind and education; maybe you were learning a language or going back to school or taking classes. This new moon is in the same part of the sky as Pluto and it’s trying to get you to take ownership of your voice. Pluto, your modern planetary ruler, is a planet that’s trying to reach into your pipes, so to speak, and get what is clogging your voice. What is preventing you from being heard? Are you afraid to be heard? Are you not speaking what you really want to say? It’s time for you to really own your intelligence and own that sharper mind that you have, Scorpio. It is also a time of new information, new ideas, needing to be the authority in something. This echoes back to some of the work that you were doing the past few years. It’s also a time of having to make some major decisions, maybe even major decisions about family, home, where you live, or where you’re going to live.

Uranus turns direct the next day, January 14, in your relationship sign—Taurus. That’s another day where this story about new people, new ways of doing relationships, perhaps new people coming in, comes to the forefront. Mars will join up with Uranus on January 20; that’s another milestone day. By then, it’s Aquarius season; a season for you to focus on home and family and nestle into your nest. Replant your roots, get things stable again. The Sun will meet up with Saturn on January 23. Pay attention to what’s happening around this day because it’s the first time that the Sun has joined up with Saturn since the 90s in Aquarius. There’s something around that time that’s a new milestone, a new beginning. See how some seed that’s getting planted is going to weave its way through the astrology until March 2023.

There’s going to be a Leo Full Moon on January 28. Leo is your career sign, so the spotlight is on your professional life. It’s time to get recognized, to be seen. Maybe you’re making some major changes in your professional life or getting some recognition for your work or going off in a new direction. This full moon really sets off this tension in the sky that’s happening all month long, so it might push some buttons in the home department, the relationship department, and the career department. You might feel like you’re really in little bit of a vice at the end of the month, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. Scorpio, you’re really getting the push to make some big changes this month.