This is a transcription of the following video for Leo in January 2021.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

For you, Leo, you’re in the bit of a tough spot this month. Let’ recap because a month is never a standalone thing; astrology is a part of the bigger story. On December 17, Saturn left Capricorn, where it was since the start of 2018 and went into Aquarius. Maybe you’re thinking, You know I’m a Leo, Katie, why are we talking about Aquarius? Aquarius is your opposite sign, meaning it’s a sign that is exactly on the other side of the Zodiac from you. Opposite is not bad, but it is your relationship sign. Now that Saturn is in Aquarius, Saturn is saying it is time for relationship. Maybe you’re thinking, I’m in a relationship or, what does this mean? Saturn is this planet in astrology that wants equity, balance, connection, interaction, socialization, and also commitment. Saturn is a serious planet and it’s now in relationships. You’ve just entered a two-year chapter. Maybe it’s about a serious relationship in your life. If you’re in a relationship, it’s the next milestone. Perhaps you move in together, or get married, or make other significant commitments to each other. If you are in a relationship, you now have to look at that relationship with new eyes. Saturn is like the building inspector. How are things holding up? Saturn is going to show you where things are shaky in your relationship.

It is Capricorn season for most of this month. The Sun is in your sign of work and health and organization, that day-to-day routine stuff. You’re looking at how you take care of your body, how you organize your life, the schedule that you keep, and it’s like, Where can I make some positive lasting healthy changes? It’s perfect timing for the sort of resolutions that we all make for ourselves at this time of year. You have to create that balance. This is a part of your life that needed a lot of work and focus since 2018, but not so much anymore. January is just going to feel like an echo to that story. There is a Capricorn New Moon on January 13. It’s a time to set really powerful new intentions in the health and wellness department. Here’s the thing about this new moon: it’s exactly conjoined Pluto. Pluto has been in this part of your chart since 2008 and for 13 years has been asking you to dismantle any limiting or negative relationship that you have with your body, health, and how you take care of yourself. How do you get stable and grounded in your body? This new moon is activating a much older story, so pay attention to some of the themes that are coming up around the new moon with health and wellness. Is there anything that you need to get rid of like an addiction or an attachment? This is your new moon to really instigate positive and lasting changes.

Other big news this month is that Mars finally changes signs. Mars has been an Aries for the last six months; normally, it’s six weeks. Six months is actually quite rare for Mars to be in one sign, but it was retrograde from September 2020 to November 2020. It’s been in a part of your chart that talks about faith and truth and meaning. So the past six months maybe have been very existential. Maybe that time touched on these deeper themes around faith, belief, how you see yourself in the world, and the convictions and character you have and how you stand up for these things in the world.

Mars goes into Taurus on January 6. Taurus is your career sign, so there’s going to be a lot of action happening in your career. New initiatives, taking action, new ambitions. But there’s a bigger story. Think back to May 2018 and March 2019 — these were two key months when Uranus went into Taurus. I mention Uranus because it’s a big player in your career for a total of a seven years, a seven-year chapter that takes you to 2025-2026. Even though Mars is now in Taurus and only going to spend six weeks there, it’s joining up with Uranus. Uranus is a planet of revolution and reinvention. It’s a planet that is trying to get us out of our way. We get stuck and work against ourselves, and Uranus says this is not who you really are. It’s going to help you awaken to who you really are, but Taurus is your career sign, so you’re in the midst of a career reinvention. It could mean that whatever you’re doing right now you love, so let’s make it bigger. Let’s do it more out in the world. Open up to more fully of who you are on a professional level. Scale up your ambitions. But if, for example, you are a lawyer because your parents were lawyers and their parents were lawyers and you’ve been thinking seriously on that for the past two years, well here comes Mars. And here comes Saturn, because Mars and Saturn are going to make what’s called a square on January 13.

During this month, there is very much a clash going on between the old and the new. You’re trying to do the stable, conservative thing but you’re also trying to completely move things in a different direction, so it’s going to create some friction in your professional life. This is going to create some friction in relationships. I know not all Leos are doing something new in their professional life, but there is something that’s changing. This is why I wanted you to go back to May 2018 or March 2019 to find that thread, because the idea is that if we were to come check in 2025-2026, there’s something that you’re doing very different in your professional life. It could be bigger, it could be radically different, but it has to be you. So that’s part of the friction this month: you versus something bigger; you versus how you get in your way. How do you be you? How do you reform or reorganize a lot of existing structures to create space for new things?

Uranus is going to go direct on January 14, so keep that date in mind because things that are happening that speak to a bigger story of change and revolution, awakening, and transformation in your professional life. Mars will also conjunct Uranus on January 20, the day after the Sun goes into Aquarius, which also activates whatever’s happening in your professional life. The Sun is joining up with Saturn on January 23, the first time that we’ve had the Sun and Saturn align in Aquarius since the 1990s. It kicks this Saturn in Aquarius story into high gear, which for you is about relationships and new beginnings. Then, there’s a full moon in your sign on January 28. This lights you up and puts the spotlight on you or maybe something that you love or maybe something that you don’t love. Not every Leo craves spotlight. That said, this full moon really brings a dramatic twist to this story of the new versus the old that’s been going on. It may have been behind the scenes but now is coming full to the next chapter in January 2021.

There’s some really intense astrology that’s going on in January and Leo, you’re one of the signs that’s really feeling the tension. Things could get very interesting; there could be a changing of direction. This could be a plot twist or it could be people coming in and going out. There could be new career things happening, but it’s probably going to be one of those months that really opens up a theme that’s going to be present throughout all the 2021. Leo, you’re one of the signs that’s really needing to make some changes this year, but you’re a fixed sign. Fixed signs need to keep things fixed, that’s their job. But then you’ve got these forces trying to get you to move. You’re going to feel some tension; you’re going to feel some friction this month. You have to feel that courage and bravery to keep doing something very different. The world we lived in in 2020 and the people we were in February 2020 are not the same. Keep moving forward; keep transforming; keep opening up to this new way of doing things.