This is a transcription of the following video for Aquarius in January 2021.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

There is some pretty tense astrology this month and I’ll break it down for you. Saturn, your ruling planet, is now in Aquarius. You are in a new beginning, a new chapter, that will take you to March 2023. Saturn has a 30-year arc of time and your sign is on different time cycle than the other signs. Now that Saturn is in your sign, the bar is set higher. Saturn is saying it’s time to get your life in order, your house in order. Maybe this creates some new initiatives, some new momentum forward. Jupiter is also there, so it’s making things more grand or even more dramatic.

Uranus has been in Taurus, your sign of home and family and what forms the base, roots, and foundation since May 2018 and March 2019. It is possible that over the last two years, there’s been some big change in your home environment. Maybe there’s been a big move. I’ve known a lot of Aquarius and Aquarius risings—both from personal relationships and clients—who have made huge moves. There’s that possibility, but nevertheless you are in this time where the home environment is the midst of a complete reinvention.

On January 6, Mars is going to go into Taurus. Mars was in Aries for six months; normally it’s six weeks. In Aries, Mars probably made for a busy second half of 2020 for you. Perhaps a lot of movement, travel, information, ideas. Lots of phone calls, texts, DMs. Maybe you’ve been a bit frazzled. Mars now moves to the area of home. Normally, this would be a time when you have to focus on your home environment. Maybe there’s some changes in the home that you’re making—making purchases or moving. But Uranus is there, too. Now that Mars is in the same place in the sky as Uranus, it activates this story that started 2018-2019. If there are some changes that would normally happen now, it’s a bit chaotic. It’s this time of awakening, speaking to a bigger story about making powerful new changes in your home environment. For example, if you’ve lived in one place your whole life and it’s keeping you from being you, then Uranus is giving you new roots. It is asking you to find the place in the world that is actually going to support you. It’s going to help you to be you.

Saturn is now in Aquarius, so you’re having this tension happening between two parts of your life: the part of you that wants to go out on this new adventure of this new big chapter of your life while the home environment is getting crazy. Maybe you’re feeling the weight of time and responsibility.

Aquarius, there’s a lot of pressure on you this year to make some changes. You’re in the same category as Taurus and Leo and Scorpio as fixed signs in the Zodiac. Fixed energy likes to keep things held down. There are other signs that are more fluid and will go with the flow. And then there’s some signs that take action and initiate. Fixed energy wants to stay rooted, but you’ve got a lot of pressure on you to change because nothing is going to stay the same. Nothing’s going to stay rooted the way that it was.

On February 17, June 14, and December 24, 2021, Saturn makes a square to Uranus. There’s that friction that’s happening between something old—rooted in the past—and something new that’s been trying to come into your life or has come into your life. Maybe you’re trying to make a lot of big changes or negotiations to make space. Maybe it’s a challenge for this new chapter to come into your life. There have been two parallel stories that have been happening throughout 2018 and 2019 and 2020. Now in 2021, they all come to a head.

After Mars goes into Taurus, it makes a square with Saturn on January 13. That’s pretty intense energy. Mars is in your career sign, so this might talk about your direction in life, your title, your ambition, and career. There might be some big milestone in your professional life around that time. That same day, January 13, is a Capricorn New Moon. Capricorn is an area of your life that got a lot of focus the past few years. Capricorn represents the end of your Zodiac; it’s your 12th sign. For you, Capricorn is about endings. It’s about letting go. It’s about spirituality and your internal world and beliefs. It’s also your intuition. Now that the Sun is in Capricorn for most of January, it’s echoing some stuff that you were already doing work on. That new moon is in the same part of the sky as Pluto in Capricorn, so that that part of your chart is a little unconscious. It’s about dreams, your connection to spirit or spirituality or God. You might be doing a lot of deep and powerful soul searching in the second half of January, trying to ask yourself some existential questions. Maybe opening up to something more or trying to surrender because this part of the chart it’s not what you want—it’s the bigger plans, the divine plan.

On January 14, Uranus turns direct in Taurus. Whatever this ongoing story has been about changes in home and family, there’s some next big milestone. By January 20, the Sun has gone into Aquarius—so it’s your birthday season. Happy birthday, Aquarius! Mars meets up with Uranus and activates this story of change in the home and family. It could be some intense astrology—sort of like boom boom boom in January 2021. Then on January 23, the Sun meets up with Saturn in Aquarius. If you are an early Aquarius, this is a major new time. You have a big sit down with Saturn. Saturn is the “rules” planet. It’s the growing up and growing older planet.

Saturn is saying, “You have got to get your stuff together.” There’s a higher bar that is set for you, more responsibilities that are being given to you right now by the heavens. That Sun and Saturn conjunction on January 23 is going to give you a lens into what this new Saturn in Aquarius time is about. Jot some notes and pay attention to the astrology.

On January 28, there is a Leo Full Moon. This full moon makes what’s called a T-square to Mars, Uranus, and Saturn. It’s really trying to get you to pivot your life, except Aquarius is a fixed sign and not a sign that pivots easily. How do you pivot? How do you go into this new time in your life and do it in a way that is allowing you to be true to yourself and let go of the things that are no longer helping you? The things that you thought were completely locked down maybe aren’t so locked down anymore. Maybe that’s for the better part of your growth. Aquarius, it’s time of powerful new beginnings and you’re in good company with Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio.