Welcome to the Gemini New Moon, the time in the lunar calendar when we turn our attention to ideas and information, communication and learning. As the first element air sign, we’re learning about movement and connection as well as choices. The new moon is exact on May 22, 2020 at 1:39 pm EDT, 2 degrees Gemini. That’s 10:39 am Los Angeles, 6:39 pm London, 3:39 am Sydney on May 23, and 5:39 am Auckland.

New moons are new beginnings, ushering in a new act. Depending on what sign they are in, they help us experience and understand life through the lens of that sign. And since this new moon falls in the sign of Gemini, our experiences over the coming four weeks – the duration of the lunar month — we may be taking a new class, reading books, spending more time on the phone, sending messages, traveling, and making sure we’re being heard. Gemini helps us to communicate as well as see things from a new perspective. Information and the exchange of information is key.

But this new moon has a few important things to point out. First, it squares off with the planet Mars in Pisces. A hard bit of Mars in the new moon means that we need to take action over the coming four weeks. We’re being pushed or provoked, inspired or motivated. But Mars is in Pisces, a combination that’s not known for its strong moves. Instead, this is a Mars that is provoking … or inspiring us to surrender, making sure our actions and course are aligned with something higher or something better.

Speaking of surrender, both Mercury and Venus square Neptune in the chart of the new moon. Neptune squares are complicated. They speak to forces greater than ourselves. It’s about the higher good versus what we want. They can also confuse and distort or speak to illusions, projections, fantasies, and even lies.

But Neptune also has a highly spiritual side. And while some may be trying to sort out fact from fiction this lunar months, others may have a powerful release. Neptune can heal and redeem the past. It can pull back the veil and help us to connect to the spiritual realms.

Thankfully the Sun is trine Saturn in the chart of the new moon. Saturn brings clarity and a steady hand. It potentially keeps us grounded while we float and drift with all this Neptune energy.

Do keep in mind that Neptune energy can make us very sensitive and whether it’s old emotions bubbling up or having more vivid dreams, give Neptune a positive outlet. Write poetry. Make art. Dance. Intuit. Meditate. Reflect. Search deep within for answers. Get quiet. Face the deepest parts of yourself. Go into your abyss. But know that Saturn is giving you a lead in case the current gets too strong.

Lastly, it’s important to note that this new moon marks the start of a lunar month that kicks off eclipse season. On June 5, we’ll have a Sagittarius Full Moon lunar eclipse. That means that the energies will be much stronger than usual. Another reason to stay grounded in reality as the world shifts and turns around us.

Read More:

Chart of the Gemini New Moon

Daily Guided Meditation Sign Up

Video — The Astrology of May 18-24, 2020

May 2020 Monthly Horoscopes

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