It’s the dark of the moon. The veil between worlds is at its thinnest, the lunar light growing more faint. It’s a day to reflect and to search within, looking back to the life we’ve lived since the new moon on April 22. Tomorrow we begin a new lunar month.

Although we’re in Gemini Season, we still have a toe in Taurus so to speak. Today marks the end of the Taurus lunar month that began four weeks ago, a month dedicated to creating more financial and material stability in our lives … or grappling with the sudden changes and uncertainties that we may be experiencing as a result of all that is going on in the world.

At the heart of Taurus and the Taurus archetype is an examination of what we need to feel safe and secure. The world isn’t always an easy place and we learned during Taurus Season that everything can change in a matter of days. If we’re wondering what do to next, here comes Gemini Season and tomorrow’s Gemini New Moon to help us birth new ideas, new perspectives, and the motivation to get moving in a new direction.

Sometimes the these ideas can come via a message from an encouraging friend or a line of text that jumps out from the page, inspiring us to see things in a different light. Or, we may need to get still and get quiet and allow the new ideas to come from within.

There’s a lot of Neptune at play in the astrology right now. Sometimes we can get stuck in thinking we have all the answers or that things have to be a certain way. But is it possible that, if we shift our perspective, that the real answer is something very different … and better in the long term?

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