Astro Daily

Photo by Emil Widlund on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 31, 2023

A Leo Moon takes us into the weekend, one that wants us to play, have fun, and seek out art and music. As a fire sign, Leo inspires us to be ourselves. And with the Moon there, it’s important to nourish what brings us joy and passion to our lives.

Photo by Elise Wilcox on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 30, 2023

Mars in Cancer picks up support from Saturn in Pisces today, a steady hand that brings support to emotional connection and care. Spend time with loved ones. Invest in what really matters emotionally and spiritually. Discover what anchors you.

Photo by Georgi Kalaydzhiev on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 29, 2023

Another Cancer Moon day. Despite the presence of Mars in Cancer, we’re not in a big rush. We’re focused on home and family, care and comfort. But we may feel restless if our home environment is unsettled and if we’re not getting the care we need.

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 28, 2023

We’re feeling the call to travel, explore, and set big ideas in motion as Mercury and Jupiter meet up in Aries. With Mars and the Moon in Cancer, whatever we decide has to bring care and nurturing. Perhaps it’s to reconnect with family and loved ones.

Photo by Richard Stachmann on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 27, 2023

It’s a new week and time to settle in with all our recent planetary changes. Although overshadowed by Saturn and Pluto switching signs, we’re in new territory with Mars, now in Cancer. We need to prioritize what matters and what nurtures and supports us.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 24, 2023

In a week filled with both seasonal transitions and larger shifts, Mars is poised to change signs after seven months in Gemini, arriving in Cancer tomorrow. What have we learned about choice, communication, and the motivations behind our actions?

Astro Daily: March 23, 2023

Astro Daily: March 23, 2023

Pluto arrives in Aquarius, a sign that it has not occupied in two centuries. We get our first taste of information and experiences that will take us into the coming two decades. What begins is a monumental shift in society and technology, systems and networks.

Photo by Malcolm Lightbody on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 22, 2023

Pluto reaches the final moments of its time in Capricorn, a journey that began back in 2008 when Pluto first arrived. We’re on the cusp of a new era. But, first, we need to become aware of who and what we’ve become over the last 15 years.

Photo by Cody Fitzgerald on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 20, 2023

Here we are, on the verge of a new astrological year. The Sun moves from Pisces to Aries today, signaling the start of spring here in the northern hemisphere. It’s a rush of new energy, a new cycle and journey to bring us throughout the year. Plant your seeds.

Photo by Atharva Tulsi on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 17, 2023

The Moon’s in Aquarius as we go into the weekend and we not only reach the dark of the moon, but we reach the end of the zodiac year. It’s time to get quiet and reflect. An Aquarius Moon helps us to see the bigger picture and to connect the dots.