Astro Daily

Astro Daily: November 1, 2023

Astro Daily: November 1, 2023

Welcome to November! As we start the month, we’re preparing for Saturn to turn direct in Pisces. We may feel Saturn’s push to consolidate, take responsibility, and step into roles of maturity and authority. It’s also a structural point for the year.

Astro Daily: October 31, 2023

Astro Daily: October 31, 2023

The Scorpio Sun pairs with a Gemini Moon, a combination that’s great for detective work and peering beyond the veil that separates the worlds. With Mercury also in Scorpio, there’s a relentlessness to this energy that creates a need for strategy and sharp focus.

Astro Daily: October 30, 2023

Astro Daily: October 30, 2023

We’re wrapping up October as well as eclipse season. The recent Taurus Full Moon lunar eclipse is still with us, a ripple that takes us into November that puts the spotlight on money and income, material stability and material security. What has changed for you?

Astro Daily: October 26, 2023

Astro Daily: October 26, 2023

The Moon arrives in Aries, activating a powerful push and pull between Mars in Scorpio and Jupiter in Taurus. Relationships may be on edge. We may have strong points of view. With an eclipse on the horizon, we may be navigating major events.

Astro Daily: October 25, 2023

Astro Daily: October 25, 2023

The Moon’s in Pisces, a double dose of element water alongside the Scorpio Sun. We’re feeling sensitive, intuitive, and creative. Our dreams may be more vivid than usual. Seeing how this is the season to connect to the other side, look for messages from beyond.

Astro Daily: October 24, 2023

Astro Daily: October 24, 2023

With the Sun now in Scorpio, we get support from Saturn in Pisces. Powered by Mars, also in Scorpio, we can start the season with a steady hand. Look for opportunities to make connection with mentors or anyone who can provide a sense of emotional support.

Astro Daily: October 23, 2023

Astro Daily: October 23, 2023

Welcome to Scorpio Season. The Sun arrives in the eighth sign of the zodiac and we begin our annual descent into the underworld. Scorpio pulls back the veil, it peers into the shadows, it invites us to explore the hidden side to reveal what’s within.

Astro Daily: October 20, 2023

Astro Daily: October 20, 2023

We’re bringing Libra Season to a close, a season that was punctuated by a powerful solar eclipse. Relationships, Libra’s purview, will still be a primary focus into next year. As the Sun prepares to leave the sign, it squares with Pluto. It’s a weekend of transformations.

Astro Daily: October 19, 2023

Astro Daily: October 19, 2023

Mercury, right behind the Sun, meets up with the South Node of the Moon, an energy that is not unlike an eclipse. Conversations may feel fated or have a deep connection to the past. We have the potential to make a choice that releases us from the past.

Astro Daily: October 18, 2023

Astro Daily: October 18, 2023

The Libra Sun meets up with the South Node of the Moon, a point of crossing that is not unlike an eclipse, even if the actual eclipse was a few days ago. It’s another passage in an ongoing journey this eclipse season. A relationship needs our attention.