Astro Daily

Photo by Ishan @seefromthesky on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 23, 2020

Saturn is now in Aquarius. Humanity shifts into a new hour, one that points us towards connection, community, and innovation. Over the next few months — a preview of a larger chapter — we’re working to build social connection even as we socially distance.

Photo by Andrea Tummons on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 20, 2020

Welcome to Aries Season! It’s officially the first full day of spring, a time for new beginnings, renewal, and fresh starts. Mind you, this isn’t your usual Aries Season. With Mars in Capricorn meeting up with Saturn and Pluto, we’re navigating major world issues.

Photo by Jupiter Union on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 19, 2020

We’re on the cusp of Aries Season today as the Sun reaches the final minutes of Pisces Season. For that we’re wrapping up a story that began last March. We’re still in the space between. Come 11:49 pm EDT, we kick off Aries Season and the spring equinox.

Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 18, 2020

We’re coming to the end of Pisces Season, which also means that we’re coming to the end of the astrological year. Today, as well as most of tomorrow, is a time to rest, shed the past, and let go. We’re also looking back at the life we’ve lived since last March.

Photo by Simone Daino on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 17, 2020

Another Capricorn Moon day. How do we make plans for the future? Get serious about the things we need to get serious about? As the Moon approaches Mars and Jupiter, we may see a few more twists and turns in events currently unfolding.

Photo by Марьян Блан | @marjanblan on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 16, 2020

We start the week on a serious note as the Moon arrives in Capricorn. It’s a day to plan and take steps towards a bigger goal. If life is in a state of disruption at the moment, how can we use Mars in Capricorn to create new structure and organization?

Photo by redcharlie on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 13, 2020

The Scorpio Moon takes us into the weekend, Moon that wants to examine the hidden side of life. It’s a day to search, investigate, and get to the bottom of a mystery. Paired with the Pisces Sun, we may be feeing extra sensitive as well.

Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 12, 2020

The Moon arrives in Scorpio and we’re feeling the intensity of Scorpio’s emotions, its need for trust and intimacy. We’re also looking ahead and wondering about the future. With Mars still in Capricorn, friendships, community, and social issues are also highlighted.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 11, 2020

Libra Moon turns us towards relationship. It’s a day to connect, socialize, interact, and find compromise. We’re also diving into deeper emotions as the Libra Moon also touches on themes of trust and intimacy. Be open to revealing yourself.

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

Astro Daily: March 10, 2020

The Moon arrives in Libra and we’re starting to pull away from the energies of the full moon, a full moon that put health and hygiene, work and practice into the spotlight. We’re also being asked to master the details and make sure we have a plan for the future.