Astro Daily

Photo by Philipp Arlt on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 8, 2020

We’re coming off an intense and emotional Scorpio Full Moon. It’s quite possible that something has been shifting within as well as around. As we go into the weekend, full moon energies still reverberate. Today’s Sagittarius Moon asks, what do we still believe in?

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 6, 2020

With the Moon now in Scorpio, we prepare for tomorrow’s full moon, one that pushes and pulls on deep emotions and memories. If you’re feeling something coming up or something from the past revisiting, heal what needs healing, resolve what needs resolution.

Photo by Liana Mikah on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 5, 2020

Another Libra Moon day and another day to connect and socialize. We’re focusing on our many relationships today — romantic, platonic, and professional. With the North Node now in Gemini, it’s all about element Air and its’ need to move and interact.

Photo by Taylor Simpson on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 4, 2020

We start the week off with a Libra Moon, a moon that highlights duties and responsibilities as well as relationships. Venus in Gemini wants us to socialize, connect, and to gather resources, too. But a bigger issue around value and worth may arise.

Photo by Autumn Goodman on Unsplash

Astro Daily: May 1, 2020

A creative, fun loving Leo Moon takes us into the weekend, one that’s in a time out until it arrives in Virgo early on Saturday. Use today to wrap up and tend to matters in the home. This weekend is better focused on projects, cleaning, organizing, and health.

Photo by Michelle Tresemer on Unsplash

Astro Daily: April 30, 2020

Mercury meets up with electric, revolutionary Uranus in Taurus. It’s a day for awakenings, breakthroughs, and powerful new insights. Although Taurus has an instinct to preserve, we’re feeling a push to shake things up and leave the past behind.

Astro Daily: April 29, 2020

Astro Daily: April 29, 2020

The Moon wraps up its time in Cancer. Even though it’s a time to slow down and focus on the home and the people who are the most important to us, it’s a day when we may feel busy — busy with responsibilities, things to do, and messages to answer.

Photo by Zoe Schaeffer on Unsplash

Astro Daily: April 28, 2020

The Cancer Moon keeps us busy today, but it also helps us to focus on the home as well as what we need to feel safe and secure, especially during these times. Make a point to reach out virtually to loved ones and friends, especially if you’ve been in isolation.

Photo by Nicolas J Leclercq on Unsplash

Astro Daily: April 27, 2020

After spending the past couple of days in Gemini, the Moon arrives in Cancer, trading thinking and ideas for feeling and intuition. The Cancer Moon pairs well with the Taurus Sun, two signs that prefer to nest, cook, and enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

Photo by Josiah Farrow on Unsplash

Astro Daily: April 24, 2020

The Moon rounds out its time in Taurus today, fresh off Wednesday’s new moon. It’s still time to plant new seeds, new ideas, and new initiatives, especially around money, food, and resource. This weekend may bring a jolt as the Sun and Uranus align.