Welcome to yet another Cancer New Moon. It’s a second chance to bring in more emotional connection, more care, more softness. It’s a second chance to find our home as well as our roots. With a strong opposition to Saturn, we also have to get real. The new moon is exact on July 20, 2020 at 1:33 pm EDT, 28 degrees Cancer. That’s 10:33 am Los Angeles, 6:33 pm London, 3:33 am Sydney on July 21, and 5:33 am Auckland.

New moons are new beginnings. It’s a time of renewal and our experiences and choices will be colored by the archetype that the new moon falls in. Since this is a Cancer New Moon, the coming days and weeks will be all about family and the people who are like family. We’ll be reaching for the safety and familiarity of home or what is comfortable. We’ll even be feeling a strong connection to the past and nostalgia.

This is the second Cancer New Moon of 2020. The first new moon occurred on June 21 and was also a solar eclipse right on the solstice — a powerful new beginning. It’s not common to have back-to-back Cancer New Moons, but it means that it’s a continued imperative that we get the care we need right now.

The sign of Cancer is like the pot or container that we grow in. But that container has to be just right, allowing for growth and to get the right amount of nutrients we need to flourish. If that container is too small, however, it will be hard for anything to grow.

If anything shook up for us with the previous Cancer New Moon on June 21, then the coming days and weeks are our time to rebuild, recreate, and reshape this new container. The new moon also makes an exact opposition to Saturn in Capricorn, so for many this may feel like a demand for commitment, balance, and putting things in order. For others, this may feel like a call to be in a position of greater authority or leadership. For others, it will be a hard reality check, Saturn cutting through illusions as we go into August.

With Saturn so strong in the energies of this new moon, the best we can do is to really work with the energies of this planet positively. This means doing our personal work. If we say we’re going to be somewhere, we must be there on time and follow through. If there’s a mess, we need to clean it up. If we’re not in reality about something, we need to make sure we’re seeing things clearly. If we’re not disciplined, then we need to find discipline or get someone to help us be accountable.

And we have to be in our integrity because Saturn, like a parent, is watching.

Let’s not forget that the new moon is making an opposition to Pluto and Jupiter, too. If anything, life is putting some pressure on us right now to make the right decisions, but to also face the parts of ourselves that are in the way. Yes, Pluto is all about shadow work and the important alchemy and healing that comes when we put light on our darkness.

As long as we have integrity and accountability over the coming days and weeks, we have an opportunity use this energy powerfully and positively and to create a second chance.

Read More:

Chart of the Cancer New Moon

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

In Defense of Saturn

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

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