Welcome to Leo Season! This is the time in the zodiac calendar when we shine like the Sun. It’s the season to focus on our talents, our creativity, and our passions. This Leo Season comes after a rocky Cancer Season with two eclipses and a heavy dose of Pluto energy. After all our emotional work, we could use a shot of Leo’s confidence and courage.

August opens up with a fiery Leo New Moon, one that invites us to get back to ourselves and reconnect with what makes life worth living. It’s a new moon for us to prioritize joy and fun and leave behind any old stories that have been preventing us from shining our light. With the new moon’s square to Uranus in Taurus, it’s time to reinvent and revolutionize and to step out of our comfort zone.

In fact, August has a lot of fire energy in the sky, which is in contrast to last month’s watery Cancer energy. Instead of feeling, we’re acting and reacting. Fire energy likes to move. It likes to explore. It inspires but it also ignites. There may be a fast pace of energy at times this month.

Mercury gets out of retrograde just before the start of August, making an opposition to Pluto in the meantime. Conversations and information may confront. Something may feel a little off as a result and we may be dealing with deeper shadow issues around communication and choices in the first few days of the month. Pluto helps get to the bottom of things, showing us uncomfortable truths in the process.

By August 11, Mercury finally leaves Cancer and returns back to Leo, taking us back to the start of the retrograde in late June, early July. What did we learn about needing to open up about our feelings and sharing our vulnerabilities? What new choices are we making?

Also on August 11, Uranus turns retrograde at 6 degrees Taurus, adding a page to a story that will be unfolding over the next seven years. Something may be shaking up as a result. After all, there’s a certain part of your life that needs to be reinvented over the coming years. Not sure what Uranus is shaking up for you? Check out my Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign guide.

Jupiter turns direct in Sagittarius on August 11 as well, adding another layer to an already busy day. Jupiter is hope and the faith that everything is going to work out. Maybe our faith has been tested this year. How do we find our faith again?

An Aquarius Full Moon on August 15 puts the spotlight on friendships, social networks, and community. It’s a full moon to think of ourselves as part of something bigger. For all of Leo’s bravado and swagger, we can’t lose sight of the bigger picture, that although we’re individuals, we’re part of a collective. We may also be turning to social causes or finding ways to connect with like minded people.

Then on August 18 Mars moves into Virgo, getting us back down to earth. Mars in Virgo is all about the practical details of living. It’s detail and dedication. As a result, we’re motivated to get organized, focus on our health, and start new projects.

By August 23 the Sun moves into Virgo and we’re starting to slow down on all this fire energy. As an earth sign, Virgo wants a plan. It’s the opposite of hot-headed impulsiveness. So, as we go into September, especially with the Virgo New Moon on August 30, we’re all going to need to figure out a plan and start working on making things happen in our lives.

Leo is the creative vision and inspiration. But Virgo is the real work to put that vision into action.

PS — I’m teaching a webinar on Saturday, August 3 on How to Read Your Astrology Chart, a 90-minute crash course for beginners and intermediate students on what an astrology chart is, the important fundamentals, and why the birth chart is one of the most important documents that you have access to. Details and registration here. You can still register to receive the video replay even if you can’t make the live webinar.

Read for your Sun and rising sign.

DATES TO NOTE: 8/1 Venus trine Chiron; 8/2 Venus square Uranus; 8/7 Sun trine Jupiter; 8/8 Venus trine Jupiter; 8/11 Jupiter Direct 14 Sagittarius, Mercury in Leo, Uranus Retrograde 6 Taurus; 8/14 Sun conjunct Venus; 8/15 Full Moon 22 Aquarius, Mercury trine Chiron; 8/16 Mercury square Uranus; 8/18 Mars in Virgo; 8/21 Venus in Virgo, Mercury trine Jupiter; 8/23 Sun in Virgo; 8/24 Venus conjunct Mars; 8/26 Venus trine Uranus; 8/28 Mars trine Uranus; 8/29 Mercury in Virgo; 8/30 New Moon 6 Virgo, Sun trine Uranus.


March 21–April 19

Aries Glyph

It’s Leo Season, a time when the Sun naturally shines its light on passion, creativity, and self expression. It’s a season for you to be you, something that you’ve already been exploring since Mars arrived in Leo way back on July 1. See, Leo is a sign that’s all about personality and identity, a theme that may be prominent this month. Do you know who you are? A Leo New Moon, arriving just before the start of the month on July 31, underscores this question throughout August. That said, it’s a season to also have fun, find joy, and even spend time with children. This may also be a month when romance is coming into your life and August is certainly is one of the best times this year to focus on it. With Venus squaring off with Uranus on July 2, there may even be a chance to meet someone quite different than before. Further, the Sun and Venus harmonize with Jupiter on August 7-8, giving you more opportunities to open up to love. Even if you’re not single, make time for significant other this month with fun dates and other activities. (Wink, wink.) Speaking of Uranus, the planet of reinvention and revolution turns retrograde on August 11 in your money sign of Taurus. Keep in mind that you’re at the beginning of a seven year story of reinventing money in your life. This may include earning a living in a way that’s very different than you have been living before. This may include having a very different relationship with money or resource. It’s as if to say that you’re being asked by Uranus to detach from the things that you’ve been afraid to let go of. Do something positive with this energy by cleaning out clutter or finding new homes for the stuff you’ve previously stocked up on. Also on August 11, Jupiter turns direct in your travel and education sign of Sagittarius. It may be time to book that trip abroad or make a decision about going back to school. Then on August 15 a full moon puts the spotlight on friendships and community. If you’ve been feeling a little detached, use the full moon energies to reconnect with friends or spend time with allies. It’s also a full moon that’s helping you to look towards the future and figure out what you want to bring into your life for the rest of the year. Lastly, another new moon rounds out the month, this time in Virgo, reminding you that the second half of August is time to get back to business and back to what’s real. Yes, between Mars’s arrival in Virgo on August 18 and the Sun’s arrival in Virgo on August 23, the rest of the month is better suited for work, projects and organization, It’s also a time for you to reprioritize your health and the new moon on August 30 helps you set new goals and create positive changes for the future, body and soul. Want to learn more about how the astrology of August will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: The self, self expression, personality, persona, identity, who you are, creativity, talent, fun, play, passion, drive, romance, dating, children, work, projects, organization, health, wellness, taking care of the body, fitness, nutrition, schedule, details, friends, social circle, social network, community, groups, belonging, money, value, worth, what you own, what you need, resources, how you earn a living.


April 20–May 20

Taurus Glyph

Here we are, Taurus. It’s check-in time on your Uranus in Taurus journey of reinvention and revelation, a journey that began in earnest in March 2019. Yes, I’ve been writing about this previous horoscopes to help shepherd you through this process. Maybe a lot has changed in the last five months. Maybe some things are the same, but you can sense that something is shifting, as if the very tectonic plates beneath your feet are moving. When Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus on August 11, it’s a day to be aware of what Uranus will be asking of you over the coming years — to reinvent who you are and to leave behind what is safe, easy, or even too small. What’s reinvention look like? Is it as simple as changing your hair or is it something deeper? So if you’re feeling restless in August, you’ll know why. Uranus is known for its proverbial left turns or its need to shake up the status quo. In other news it’s Leo Season, a time in your personal calendar that brings you back home, back to your roots. The new moon, just before the start of August, kicks off a month when you may be moving or making changes in your home. It may be a time when you’re around family or those who are like family. In fact, this is one of the better new moons all year with its energy of abundance. The more you can take advantage of it’s invitation to create more emotional connection and emotional stability in your life the better. With Venus in Leo, too, you may want to redecorate. Then on August 15 a full moon puts career in the spotlight. Are you looking to make a professional change? Step into the spotlight? Get recognized for your hard work? This is your full moon. It may also be a time when you want to make a career change or switch jobs. By August 21 Venus, your ruling planet, arrives in Virgo and the gears begin to shift towards work, detail, and organization. You may be working on projects later this month that showcase your talents and abilities. The Virgo New Moon on August 30 closes out the month, getting us ready for a September that will demand that we focus on more practical matters. Then again, you’re an earth sign. You’re all about practicality, even when you’re in the midst of a total reinvention. Want to learn more about how the astrology of August will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Home, family, roots, emotional needs, feeling safe, the nest, a move, changes in the home, new family members, inner world, outer world, professional life, public life, career, status, recognition, ambition, work, projects, getting organized, talents, skills, self expression, identity, romance.


May 21–June 20

Gemini Glyph

There’s something about Leo Season that should feel a little familiar to you, Gemini. After all, Leo is your sign of communication, education, and travel. And this is a time in your personal calendar for you to come back to the things that comes so easily for Gemini — your voice, your mind, your ideas. So with August kicking off with a Leo New Moon, it’s a perfect time for you to focus on the things that are so intrinsic to Gemini. You may also be very busy or on the go, so don’t be surprised if the first couple of weeks of August are a bit non stop, especially once Mercury gets back into Leo on August 11. That said, you may feel a bit sensitive as Mercury slowly makes its way back through Cancer during the first week of August. Don’t be surprised if something deep bubbles up — something previously unsaid, something held back. Mercury, after all, is your ruling planet, and it’s making an opposition to Pluto in early August, a planet that can bring up stuff buried deep in the psyche. On the same day that Mercury gets back into Leo, giving you a bit of a break from the heavy emotions, a few other things are also going on. First, Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus, a sign that speaks to your unconscious, your dreams, your blindspots, the stuff that’s buried deep within you. For you, Uranus’s journey through Taurus over the next seven years is a reinvention of you on a profound emotional level. It’s likely not obvious right now that something is happening, but Uranus’s inner workings are there. And, over the coming years, you may discover that you’re opening up in ways that you hadn’t imagined — opening up intuitively, spirituality, soulfully. Just something to be aware of in case the days around August 11 pull on something that you don’t quite have words for yet. (Yes, Gemini, even you can be at a loss for words at times.) Maybe your dreams are more vivid, your intuition more active. Also on August 11 Jupiter, a planet that talks about relationships and career in your chart, turns direct after a four month retrograde. If things haven’t quite been moving forward in both the relationship and career department, keep an eye on August. Jupiter Direct may finally give you a push or that clarity that has perhaps alluded you for the past few months. Do keep in mind that Jupiter is in your relationship sign of Sagittarius all year long. This only happens once every twelve years (yes, I know … think back to 2006-2007 for reference) and this year is a natural time for you to make new connections, including romantic connections, or strengthen existing connections. You just need to have some faith, that’s all. Looking ahead to the August 15 full moon, it’s a time for you to also focus on foreign travel or long distance journeys. You may be preparing for a trip or making a decision about a trip. It’s also a time when deeper philosophical questions need to be answered, as in, what do I believe in? What’s my truth? Do I have faith? You may also be focusing on education and going back to school as well. After the business of August, the Virgo Sun as well as new moon on August 30 brings you back home, back to your roots. The last week of August is best suited for matters of the home such as tending to or putting down a new foundation. You may be thinking of moving or making changes in the home into September. With Mars also in Virgo from August 18 onwards, there may be some things in the home or with family that need your immediate attention. Want to learn more about how the astrology of August will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Communication, writing, speaking, thinking, learning, education, travel, trips, the neighborhood, long distance journeys, foreign travel, faith, wisdom, knowledge, beliefs, worldview, home, family, roots, foundation, emotional needs, emotional core, memories, the past, a move, changes in the home, relationships, other people, socializing, partnership, cooperation, negotiation, balance, dreams, spirituality, the unconscious, the hidden.


June 21–July 22

Cancer Glyph

How are you hanging in there, Cancer? Everything still in one piece or did July’s eclipses shake things up or rearrange certain parts of your life? Regardless, you’re in a new time, Cancer, one that will reveal itself over the coming six months as a time of new beginnings and new openings. For new beginnings to take root that need soil, they need a container. Leo Season is a natural time in your personal calendar to focus on money and material matters, which includes getting your finances in order as well as buying the things you need in order to feel stable and grounded in life. If a lot has changed in the past couple of months — change is usually something that can make a Cancer feel anxious — what’s going to help you feel more settled? Maybe that’s another way to frame August, this idea of getting settled after a lot of ups and downs. A new moon kicks August off, giving you an opportunity to work on creating new resources and new avenues to make money. In a way, it’s all about the real world this month, from the money you make and the things you own to work, projects, and even your health. When Jupiter turns direct on August 11, make sure you’re focusing on the real world. Tend to your body. Make an appointment for a check. Go for a walk. Get back to the gym. Eat the foods that are in harmony with your body. Also on August 11, the planet Uranus turns retrograde in your sign of community, friendships, and social connection. Has your circle of friends changed this year? Are you meeting new people who are completely different than your usual friends or connections? Are you opening up to the world in a way you haven’t before? What Uranus is doing in this part of your chart and will continue to do for the next seven years is transform your friendships and bring in people who help you to see the world in a new way. So August may bring some interesting changes in friendships and your social circle. Then on August 15 a full moon puts the spotlight on your finances as well as deeper emotional themes — intimacy, vulnerability, and facing your fears. It’s safe to say that you’re a sensitive sign, Cancer. And after all the eclipse season ups and downs you may need to look at yourself on a deep level to understand why certain emotions are coming up for you. If you work with a therapist or certain modalities, the full moon may be a productive time for illumination and emotional release. Then on August 18-21 the vibe starts to shift towards Virgo, a sign that’s all about diligence and practice. You may find the later half of August a lot busier, especially with trips and appointments around town. You may also be dealing with the nitty gritty details of getting ahead in your career as well as the things you need to do to tend to projects and other real world details. Yes, it’s still a month to get settled. Just make sure you’re not neglecting the details as well as your list of things that need to get done. Want to learn more about how the astrology of August will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Money, income, stability, security, what you own, material needs, getting settled, solid ground, finance, assets, other people’s money, wealth, debt, facing fears, intimacy, vulnerability, communication, class, education, writing, speaking, thinking, the mind, news, travel, movement, things to do, health, wellness, taking care of the body, diet, fitness, nutrition.


July 23–August 22

Leo Glyph

Happy birthday, Leo! The spotlight is on you this month, which gets its kickoff just before the start of August with a Leo New Moon on July 31. With its aspects to Jupiter and Venus, it’s a month to welcome in sweetness as well as romance. In fact, with Venus in Leo for most of August, you may be feeling more flirty than usual or more social. (If you are born on or very close to July 31, the coming year is also going to be a time of new beginnings and renewal.) But the new moon makes what’s called a square to Uranus, which is a reminder that you’re in a bigger chapter of your life where you’re reinventing your career, your ambitions, and your place in the world. Maybe you’re itching for a radical change or reinvention this birthday month. Maybe you’re even thinking of changing your style, your hair, or your look, too. That said, if Uranus Retrograde on August 11 feels like it’s pushing you out of a professional rut or showing you different options of how to make a living, pay attention to what’s going on. If we were to fast-forward seven years, you may be doing career in a very different way than you are now. August is just a stepping stone or a smaller chapter in a bigger story. Also on August 11, Mercury finally gets back into Leo after a bit of an emo retrograde journey through Cancer. As a result, you may have a lot to say in the second half of the month. Additionally on August 11 (busy day!), Jupiter turns direct after a four month retrograde. This means that you’re feeling creative, like you want to have fun, express yourself, and express your talents. Jupiter is also putting an emphasis on children and if you’re looking to expand your family, this may be a month when you’re thinking of getting pregnant. Just sayin’. Then on August 15 a full moon puts the spotlight on relationships, making them a priority this month. You may have a decision to make about an existing relationship. Is it going to work? Does it need more commitment or dedication? Or you may be naturally meeting someone new, someone that is more serious. Moving ahead to August 18, Mars leaves Leo and arrives in Virgo. During the coming six weeks, while Mars is in Virgo, you’re focused on your material life. This includes the money you make, what you need to feel safe, rooted, grounded, and taken care of. You may be making purchases for the home or dealing with matters of the home. The second half of the month is very much about need, whether it’s more money and resources at your disposal or getting your emotional needs met. The Virgo New Moon on August 30 sets you up for a new beginning that is focused on taking new steps in September to get your needs met. Time to stock up on the basics of home and to get organized. Want to learn more about how the astrology of August will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: New beginnings, the self, the spotlight, talents, creativity, romance, flirtations, style, look, personality, being bold, being courageous, heart, passion, children, sex, relationships, other people, negotiation, compromise, partnership, one-on-one connection, career, direction, responsibility, public life, status, recognition, money, income, resources, material needs, spending, basics, emotional needs, safety, stability.


August 23–September 22

Virgo Glyph

Virgo, let’s put some things into perspective. On one hand it’s Leo Season for most of August, which means that it’s your personal zodiac month to rest, recuperate, and reflect on the previous year since your last birthday. While you haven’t had the bumpy ride that other signs have had in 2019, it has been a time where the astrology is pushing you to do some personal changes, from how you express yourself and your personality to opening up how you see yourself and the world around you. On the other hand, you step into August just as Mercury, your ruling planet, turns direct, making a somewhat — if I’m being honest — uncomfortable opposition to Pluto. It’s as if you’re having to take a look at yourself in the mirror as you get ready to celebrate your next birthday. Maybe things feel a little emotionally messy as a result. Maybe past experiences and memories are bumping around in your psyche. That said, August is part forward movement, part rest. I know, a contradiction. As your sitting around, getting quiet and still this month, take a moment to reflect on what you believe in. What’s faith to you? Spirituality? You may be feeling a little existential with this month’s astrology. When Uranus turns retrograde on August 11, it does so in a part of your chart that talks about how you see the world as well as what you believe it. How we see the world is usually deeply shaped by our upbringing, education, and even the events that happened to us. Is it possible that you’re seeing things through a narrow lens as a result? Don’t worry, Virgo. It’s quite natural to get caught in a rut like that. What Uranus is asking that you do over the coming years (yes, years) is open up your vision as if you were seeing yourself and seeing the world from the perspective of others. What have you not been seeing? How can you open to a new vantage? Also on August 11, Jupiter turns direct in your sign of home and family. It’s quite possible that in 2019 you moved or you made changes in your living situation. Maybe someone moved in with you or you welcomed in a new family member. Part of the astrology of this year is putting down roots. So, when Jupiter turns direct, you may be more aware of home and family or the role of the home and family in your life. Then on August 15, a full moon lights up your health and wellness sign of Aquarius. Time to focus on making those annual doctor appointments for a check up. Maybe you’re taking a critical eye to diet and nutrition, too. It’s also the time when the spotlight is on getting organized and paying attention to the details of daily life — something that you usually already naturally do as a Virgo. If you’ve been neglecting things, use mid August for a tidying up. Then on August 18, Mars arrives in Virgo, giving you a boost of energy and motivation. Like I said, one part of you is moving forward this month while the other is lingering behind. But, when the Sun arrives in Virgo on August 23 followed by a Virgo New Moon on August 30, you’ll really start to feel things moving forward. In fact, with Mars in Virgo into September, things may be quite busy and active by the time you round out August. So, good thing you’re resting up in the beginning of the month. Want to learn more about how the astrology of August will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Rest, reflection, recuperation, dreams, the unconscious, existential questions, spirituality, belief, faith, worldview, travel, education, facing yourself, hidden emotions, blind spots, endings, letting go, health, wellness, taking care of the body, diet, fitness, nutrition, work, projects, getting organized, schedule, details, new beginnings, taking action, new cycle, moving forward, feeling restless, impulsiveness, home, family, roots, living situation, foundation.


September 23–October 22

Libra Glyph

When the Sun arrives in Leo, you’re beginning to round out your personal year, one that beginnings with every birthday. Libra, as you certainly know, is a starting point for you. And if you trace a line through all the signs, arriving at Leo, you’re at the point where you’re looking ahead to the future and putting your hopes and wishes out there for the next year. It’s also a time to see your life from a larger vantage point. What worked this year? What didn’t? What would you change? That said, this month begins with a Leo New Moon, one that opens you up to friends, community, and allies. It’s a month to socialize, reconnect with existing friends, and make new friends. You may have an abundance of social engagements in August since the new moon picks up support from Venus and Jupiter, but with a jolt of Uranus energy, get ready to step outside of your comfort zone and face any fears that are holding you back from connecting or socializing with friends and like minded people. In fact, speaking of facing yourself, when Uranus turns retrograde on August 11, it’s a reminder that you’re in a new phase of life where you have to do some deep emotional digging, which means facing yourself, facing your fears, and all the other stuff that hides out in your shadow self. If you are feeling a little emotional in the run up to August 11, don’t be surprised. Also on August 11, Jupiter turns direct after a four month retrograde, hinting that you may have something big to say. Jupiter’s been in your sign of communication and learning all year long. It’s all about opening up your voice right now as well as opening up your mind. Then on August 15, the spotlight in on personality, talent, creativity, and how you express who you are. As a result, you may even be in the spotlight a little. (Incidentally, if you’re looking to expand your family through pregnancy and children, this full moon may put the spotlight on that, too.) A few days later, on August 18, Mars moves into Virgo, which means that as you wind down August and into September, you may be feeling a little low on energy. Mars in this part of your chart is a practical reminder that you can’t keep moving at full speed. You need time to rest, recuperate, and relax. You may even need more sleep than usual. Mars is acting as a sort of advance notice that as you slip into Virgo Season on August 23, you’re naturally pulling into a part of your zodiac calendar that prioritizes rest and retreat as you emotionally and spiritually prepare for your upcoming birthday. The new moon on August 30 says it’s time to let some things go. You may be doing an inventory of your life as a result, looking to shed the past, old habits, and even old relationships. Old lovers may resurface so that you may tie up loose ends or you may be ending a relationship that needs to be ended. Want to learn more about how the astrology of August will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Looking ahead, the future, big picture, hopes, wishes, friends, community, social network, groups, allies, social causes, humanity, belonging, self expression, personality, persona, identity, talent, passion, creativity, children, romance, the voice, communication, being heard, education, travel, family, roots, home, foundation, letting go, wrapping up, reflection, recuperation, retreat, existential questions, spirituality, dreams, the unconscious.


October 23–November 21

Scorpio Glyph

You’re riding high this month, Scorpio! All because of two things. One, Leo Season means that the planets are traveling the highest part of your chart, aka the part of your chart that speaks of career, ambition, and achievement. Two, Mars, your ruling planet, is also in Leo, so you’re in the spotlight you step into August. With the Leo New Moon kicking off the month, it’s the perfect time to push out into the world, make a career change, and get recognized for your talents. This new moon in particular highlights professional partnerships as well as the possibility of earning more money. Sounds good, right? So what’s the catch? The catch is that with Uranus now in your relationship sign of Taurus, the sub-clause to this month’s astrology is that in order to push ahead with your goals and ambitions, you really need to open up to how you connect and interact with people. In fact, Uranus is going to be in Taurus for the next seven years, so this is only the beginning of you upending, shaking up, or reinventing your relationships. If there is anything holding you back from reaching out to people, how will you use August to change that narrative? Pay attention to what’s going on in the relationship department — romantic or otherwise — in the run up to August 11. Since that’s the day that Uranus turns retrograde, August is a chapter in a bigger story that’s unfolding throughout the coming years. Maybe you’re meeting someone this month who is quite different than before. (Maybe you already have met someone quite different than before.) Maybe you’re breaking through old walls and boundaries. Also on August 11, Jupiter turns direct after a few months of retrograding through your sign of money and resource. Jupiter in this part of your chart is typically a boon for your bank account, but Jupiter’s long square to Neptune may have had you questioning your faith whether the money and resource would be there for you. Hopefully Jupiter’s harmonization with the Sun and Venus this month means that things are opening up for you in the money department, giving you an opportunity to take advantage of Jupiter in your money sign. (That said, be careful of spending since sometimes Jupiter wants to do things over the top.) On August 15, a full moon puts home and family in the spotlight. You may be taking a critical look at your home or living situation. You may be naturally planning a move or looking to plant down roots. The full moon also asks, what is your heart’s desire? How can you have more connection in your life? By August 18, Mars moves to Virgo and life starts to point away towards career and towards friendship and community and making plans for the future. It’s time to get perspective on your life, especially as you start to arc towards the end of another personal year. The new moon on August 30 gives you a reset, one that’s about finding your place in the world. Use the rest of the month plus the first few weeks of September to socialize, make connections, and strengthen the role of community in your life. Want to learn more about how the astrology of August will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Career, professional life, ambition, achievement, status, reputation, the public, responsibilities, home, family, roots, foundation, emotional needs, emotional connection, friends, community, social circle, social network, social causes, socializing, relationships, partnerships, other people, money, income, material needs, material stability.


November 22–December 21

Sagittarius Glyph

Whew, what a July, Sagittarius. What with its eclipses and Mercury Retrograde. While you’re not Mercury ruled, it does play a big role in your chart and July’s retrograde pulled you back into deep emotions and complicated feelings around relationships, connection, and the past. As you step into August, you may be feeling a little sensitive. Thankfully it’s Leo Season and the Leo New Moon on July 31, kicks off an August that’s all about exploration, travel, and getting out there in the world. You may be planning a vacation or journey to a far flung foreign destination. It’s a season that’s about the things that spark joy in your life and making time for them. It’s also a season to focus on themes of faith and belief and figuring out your own personal philosophy. To that point, the run up to Jupiter turning direct on August 11 may make you question what you believe in. When Jupiter turns direct, it does so in a square to Neptune, which means that you may be sorting through deeper existential questions, wondering if it’s all going to work out. Maybe you need a different perspective and it’s quite possible that you’ve been a little in the weeds since Jupiter turned retrograde on April 10. That said, Jupiter Direct will start to feel like a return to self and a return of some personal forward moment. And with the Sun in Leo for most of this month, you’ve got a lot of fire energy on your side. Fire equals movement, it sparks, ignites, and inspires. August, as a result, may have a lot of movement. Speaking of which, Uranus turns retrograde on August 11, reminding you that you’re at the beginning of a seven year chapter of upending and reinventing your daily life as well as how you take care of your body. Have you been thinking of making a change to your diet or fitness? Do you need to completely rethink work and schedule? Uranus is shaking things up. Also on August 11, Mercury finally gets back into Leo and gets out of this sticky, heavy energy that has defined most of its retrograde. You may finally start to see forward movement in your professional life as well as in your relationships. The full moon on August 15 puts education and communication in the spotlight. You may have an important decision to make. You may need to also focus on how you use your voice and the role of education in your life. The second half of August really starts to heat up your work and professional life starting with Mars in Virgo on August 18, a planet that naturally motivates and pushes us to take action. The Virgo New Moon on August 30 is your professional reset, your public debut. Ask yourself, what are your goals and ambitions? What is it that you want to achieve in the world? You may be working very hard to reach these goals as you go into September. After all, you only have Jupiter in Sagittarius until December. Don’t miss this once-in-a-twelve-year opportunity to plant the seeds and lay the foundation for future success. Want to learn more about how the astrology of August will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: The world, worldview, travel, exploration, journeys, adventure, philosophy, belief, faith, existential questions, right and wrong, morality, law, legal matters, education, learning, the mind, ideas, information, communication, writing, speaking, choices, the self, moving forward, new beginnings, career, public life, professional life, ambitions, responsibility, work, achievement, status, reputation, health, wellness, diet, fitness, nutrition, taking care of the body, daily life, details, schedule.


December 22–January 19

Capricorn Glyph

It’s been quite the year, Capricorn. Hanging in there? Still have faith? Barely? Let’s set the scene for this month. I know it’s Leo Season, a time that’s typically about finding the joy and fun in life, but Leo happens to be the part of your chart that talks about soul searching and digging into your deepest parts. I know you’ve already been doing a lot of that in 2019, what with Saturn and Pluto taking a sledgehammer to things. If you’re a little wobbly as you step into August, make sure you’re getting some much needed emotional TLC. It may be time to check in with a therapist or a trusted advisor if you’re not doing so already because one of the key themes of August for you is vulnerability. Meaning, when you strip back that sometimes hardened Capricorn exterior, what’s in the center? Another theme this month is shadow work, which is about taking a serious look at the hidden parts of yourself, the ones that can self sabotage or work against you or even how you give and take power. On a more practical side of things, the new moon that kicks off August may be putting an emphasis on money matters, especially finances and assets. You can even use the new moon energies to make an appointment with a financial advisor or a trusted friend who can really help you plan for the future. That said, you may be feeling restless at the beginning of the month, looking to make changes in career or direction as Venus squares off with Uranus on August 2. Looking ahead to the second week of August, there’s a lot of stuff going on that’s shifting up the celestial pace of things. First, Uranus turns retrograde on August 11, a reminder that you’re at the beginning of a seven year chapter of reinventing and revealing yourself and opening up your talents and creativity. What’s coming up for you around that day? Also on August 11, Jupiter turns direct, tugging at deeper spiritual and existential themes in your life. Again, do you still have faith after all you’ve been through. What do you still believe in? A few days later, on August 15, a full moon puts money in the spotlight. While Leo Season is, in part, a time about cultivating a deeper relationship with financial stability, the full moon gets you back to fundamentals. What do you need to feel rooted and stable? A roof over your head? A job to pay the bills? Money in the bank? You may have a serious decision to make about what the resources you need and how you earn a living. Then on August 18, Mars moves into Virgo, a sign that talks about education and travel for you. As a result, you may be focusing on schooling in August into September, especially higher education or specialized training. You may also be planning a trip far from home or looking to see the world in a different way, especially after the Virgo New Moon on August 30. Plus, with everything that’s been going on in your life this year, you may be doing a serious examination of these deeper questions of faith and meaning and making the right decisions for your life. Want to learn more about how the astrology of August will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: The deep self, deep emotions, the psyche, facing fears, the shadow, transformation, rebirth, money, finance, assets, debt, wealth, resources, other people’s money, taxes, how you earn a living, salary, spending, material needs, material stability, what you own, existential questions, faith, meaning, truth, beliefs, right and wrong, philosophy, wisdom, knowledge, education, higher education, teaching, foreign travel, long distance journeys.


January 20–February 18

Aquarius Glyph

Leo Season means that it’s the time in your calendar to focus on relationships. And with four planets in and out of Leo, this is your month to socialize and connect with others. August kicks off with a Leo New Moon and it’s time for a new beginning in relationships. If you’re single, use this time to take the initiative to meet new people. With Venus and Mars also in Leo this month, people may be naturally coming into your life. If you’re in a relationship, how can you bring more passion and heart to your romantic connection. Do keep in mind that Mars in Leo also means that your interactions with people may be a bit pointed, brusque, or temperamental for the first half of the month, continuing a theme from July. Mars isn’t exactly known for its diplomacy and tact, but it certainly means that you’re motivated to meet new people and reconnect with existing relationships. Of course, relationships are built on good communication and it may take until Mercury gets back into Leo on August 11, post retrograde, to start to get on the same page as a partner and clear up and miscommunication. If you’re in a partnership, you may be discussing big plans with your mate — plans about the future and about direction. Again, see if you can wait until Mercury gets into Leo on August 11 before making any big decisions. Also on August 11, Uranus turns retrograde, giving you a little reminder that your home and family life may be shifting in big and unexpected ways over the coming years. At the heart of this bigger chapter in your life is to reinvent where you live, whether you are literally doing that through a move or change in the home or doing that on a spiritual or metaphorical level. Maybe you already have made a big move in 2019 or maybe you’re feeling the rumbles of a big move on the horizon. Uranus is making you take a second look at where you’re planted in life and if that’s something that needs to change. Jupiter also turns direct on August 11, giving you further invitation to connect, make friends, and reach out to existing friends. Jupiter is helping to expand your social circle, so take advantage of August if that’s something you’re interested in opening up to. The Aquarius Full Moon on August 15 puts you in the spotlight. Enjoy it! But there may be some emotional discomfort with being seen. Then on August 18 Mars moves into Virgo and the narrative starts to shift away from relationships and towards deeper themes like intimacy, trust, and vulnerability. Mars may also be poking on emotional buttons later this month, especially after the Virgo New Moon on August 30. Do keep in mind that you’re winding down a nearly three year story of pulling back from the world as well as reflecting and recalibrating. Starting next March, when Saturn arrives in Aquarius, you’re stepping into a very new chapter in your life. Use the rest of this August to do an emotional inventory of what you don’t want to bring with you into this next big chapter and have the courage to finally let these things go. Want to learn more about how the astrology of August will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Relationships, other people, connection, compromise, negotiation, one-on-one, partnership, socialization, friendships, social circle, community, groups, home, family, roots, foundation, emotional needs, emotional stability, the past, disconnect, move, reinventing home, reinventing family, reinventing emotional need, the self, new beginnings, letting something go, shedding old layers, the deep self, the psyche, deep emotions, trust, vulnerability, intimacy, sexuality.


February 19–March 20

Pisces Glyph

Here in the northern hemisphere it’s summer and August is usually one of the quietest months of the year as people take off for summer holidays. You may be wondering where your vacation is this month, Pisces, while you’re working hard on projects and handling other responsibilities. After all, Leo Season is the time in your personal calendar when it’s back to the real world after fun and playtime in July. The Leo New Moon kicks off the month and makes work, schedule, and getting the details right one of your main priorities this August. Also, health and wellness are important and you may need to tend to your body this month, from doctors appointments to getting to the gym. You may be cleaning out and sorting through the things you own, too, especially once Mercury gets back into Leo on August 11. On the same day Jupiter turns direct in Sagittarius, your career sign, more testament that it’s all about the real world this month and the work that needs to go into your goals and ambitions as well as your responsibilities. This year has been a natural time to focus on a new job or taking the next big steps in your professional life. Note that this window of time is only a year long and ends in December, so definitely don’t let this pass you by. That said, with Jupiter making a long square to Neptune this year, you may have lost confidence at times or questioned your faith. Some of those deeper existential questions may come up this month, but thankfully it’s Leo Season, a season that that confidence in abundance. Try to silence your inner critic this month and focus on what really matters and try to reconnect with doing something that brings passion and joy into your daily life. That said, you may need to do some soul searching, especially with the full moon on August 15. Even though this month is focused on work and achievement, take time around the full moon to get still, to retreat, to reconnect with spirituality. It’s also a full moon to let things go, especially toxic relationships and friendships. Speaking of relationships, Mars moves into Virgo on August 18 and some of the work pressure starts to come off. Instead, it’s about making connections as you get to the week or so of the month. While relationships are a priority going into September, note that Mars in this part of your chart can heat things up with people. Your interactions may be a little pointed. Long simmering issues may boil over. How will you learn to negotiate or find compromise? If you’re single and looking to find new relationships, the new moon on August 30 may give you the courage and motivation to get out in the world and make new connections. In fact, Venus joins up with Mars on August 24 in your relationship sign. Spicy! Something to possibly look forward to after grinding through your to-do list and other responsibilities this month. Want to learn more about how the astrology of August will affect you? Book your consultation now.

Key Themes: Work, projects, career, ambitions, goals, status, reputation, responsibilities, public life, details, real world, daily life, schedule, organization, discipline, health, wellness, taking care of the body, diet, fitness, nutrition, relationships, other people, connection, compromise, negotiation, socializing, one-on-one, partnership, retreat, rest, endings, letting go, the unconscious, existential questions, truth, meaning, shedding the past.

Photo by Stuart Guest-Smith on Unsplash