Mars turns retrograde in Aries, a sign that it will wind its way back through until November 13. During this two month period, we’re taking a second look at how we take action, use our power, and exercise courage. Something will need to be reworked.

Although it may appear as if Mars is moving backwards in the sky, it’s actually an optical illusion. And like all retrogrades, we’re pulling inward instead of pushing out. It’s a time to reflect and integrate instead of start something new.

Retrogrades also give us a period to work on our relationship as well as our karma with the planet’s archetype. And what is Mars’s archetype? Mars is action and drive, power and anger, force and physicality. It’s an energy that can be used positively to lead, show bravery, protect, and take initiative … or it can be a destructive force of aggression, bullying, and domineering.

So, during this retrograde, we need to look at both sides of Mars because we have both sides within us. If we have a hard time finding the motivation to get things started, how do we make a change? If we’re disconnected from our anger, how do we constructively release something that’s been building up? If we’ve been in a battle, how do we know if it’s worth the fight?

One of the features of this Mars Retrograde is that it turns retrograde in a square to Saturn in Capricorn. As I mentioned in my weekly newsletter, I’ve had an eye on this week for the last nine months, ever since I peered into the astrology of 2020. Mars Retrograde square Saturn may feel like we’re hitting the brakes hard. There’s a need to slow down and find order and structure or be accountable for our actions. We can no longer rush forward with something. (And seeing how Mars was very prominent in the astrology when things started up with COVID-19, I’ve always wondered if September would bring a new phase or chapter.)

That said, there’s a positive side to all of this. Mars Retrograde square Saturn means that it’s a time to integrate and build more strongly the structures and responsibilities that we’ve been working on this year. It’s a time to lead in a new way. Or, be a mentor or example to those if we have a solid relationship with our Mars on a positive level.

Not sure what area of your life Mars is putting a big focus on? Read my Mars in Aries: Sign by Sign guide. Or, you can watch my weekly astrology video where I spoke more in depth about Mars Retrograde and what it means for your sign.

We just need to keep an eye on the story that’s beginning to unfold. Mars makes another square to Saturn on September 30, just in time for Saturn to turn direct followed by an Aries Full Moon on October 1. Things may heat up then.

Read More:

Mars in Aries: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Video — The Astrology of September 7-13, 2020

Newsletter — The Astrology of September 7-13, 2020

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Photo by Pauline Loroy on Unsplash