Capricorn Moon takes us into the weekend, turning the spotlight on Saturn, the planet of work, dedication, and mastering life’s many lessons. By Saturday the Moon will be in Aquarius, pushing us to connect with others and make time for community.

Lest you think the astrology is a bit on the dour side with Saturn calling the shots, we’re still in Libra Season, a time when we naturally turn to the many and varied relationships in our life. Between the Moon in airy Aquarius and the Sun in Libra, the next few days will likely be chatty and social, aided by Mercury’s arrival in Libra as well.

Note that Venus and Neptune are opposing each other. This is a classic “all the glitters is not gold” aspect. Translation — don’t get caught up in the romantic fantasy or the allure of a pretty picture. Instead, this is a great aspect for beauty, design, and glamor. Just beware that we all turn into a pumpkin after midnight.

PS — It’s still not too late to register for tomorrow’s webinar on Saturn and finding your purpose in life. Details here.

Photo by Osman Rana on Unsplash