The Moon rounds out its time in Capricorn today and we’ve got work to do and responsibilities to tend to, especially around the home. We’re thinking about our futures, too. This caps off a week of intensities as Mercury rounded its way out of Libra.

With planets bunched up in the later degrees of Aries and Capricorn, anytime a planet such as Mercury or the Moon travels through a cardinal sign it means that things get a little tense or a bit serious. Mercury, however, changes signs on Sunday, September 27, so the pressure will start to lessen.

That said, Mercury will spend the better part of October and November in Scorpio, the sign of investigation, obsession, intimacy, and trust. This is a Mercury that needs to get to the bottom of a mystery. It has a sharp sixth sense and an uncanny ability to see through illusions, pretense, and lies. It deals in secrets and can help us open up and share some of our deepest feelings.

Additionally, the Moon’s in Aquarius come Saturday. It’s a weekend for friends, community, and connection. We may be (safely) entertaining in the home, having friends over, or spending time with close loved ones for fun and play.

Note that we’ve got some serious astrology next week. Saturn turns direct in Capricorn on September 29, giving us a check-in as well as a wrap up on a story that began at the start of 2018. Use the weekend to reflect on the stories and choices you’ve navigated in the last two and a half years.

Read More:

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Video — The Astrology of September 21-27, 2020

September 2020 Horoscopes

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