We start the week with Capricorn Moon in harmony with the Virgo Sun. It’s all about earth, from the ground beneath our feet to the tasks and chores we need to root into our daily lives. Capricorn reminds us that we’re always building for our future.

The Capricorn Moon is also a reminder that Saturn is still in Capricorn and will be there for the next couple of years. As I mentioned in my write up on Saturn in Capricorn, the bar is set higher for us now. We’re being held accountable. We’re seeing how our choices are manifesting. We’re feeling a push to be more responsible in our lives. We may be thinking, “I’m too old for this.” Or someone may be saying to us, “You’re too old to be acting this way.”

Saturn in Capricorn is like having a parent in the room with us at all times. Under a stern eye, we have to be on our best behavior. But the goal of this process is to learn healthy boundaries and that actions have consequences. We’re growing up so that we can become the parent, the authority, so that we can become the masters our physical lives. Want to know what Saturn in Capricorn means for you? Check out my sign by sign guide.

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Read More:

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

In Defense of Saturn

The Week Ahead: The Astrology of September 17-23, 2018

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