The Moon arrives in Pisces and we’re getting ready for the Pisces Full Moon on September 14, just two days from now. With its strong energies of Jupiter and Pisces, we may be feeling overly sensitive and doing a fair bit of soul searching.

One of the ongoing stories that has been winding its way through 2019 is this idea of faith. Do we have faith or are we struggling to find meaning and purpose in our lives? Have we lost faith? Faith in ourselves? Faith in the system? Faith in something greater?

The upcoming full moon touches on some deep existential points, some of which are already tender from this years crisis of faith. Like a powerful wave, Neptune energy has a habit of pulling us down into our depths, into our abyss where we face our own hopelessness. But it is in this point that we can connect with the higher spiritual energies of Neptune — forgiveness, transcendence, and even redemption.

Keep this in mind as we’re sorting through our feelings today and tomorrow. As I mentioned yesterday, this is mixture of planets and signs is best channeled through meditation and reflection, dreamwork, or different energetic or emotional healing tools. And, as always, this energy is giving us a powerful moment to positively let go and heal.

PS — I’m teaching a 90-minute webinar, Facing Saturn: Learn to Master Your Life, on Tuesday, September 17. In it I’m showing you how Saturn gives us very clear instructions on how to live and master our lives, showing us the lessons we’ll keep returning to. (Saturn is actually one of my favorite planets!) Details and registration here.

Read More:

Webinar — Facing Saturn: Learn to Master Your Life

Neptune in Pisces: Sign by Sign

On Neptune

YouTube Video — The Astrology of September 9-15, 2019

September 2019 Horoscopes

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