Pluto turns direct at 20 Capricorn, creating a seismic shift in themes of power and control, the psyche and healing. Pluto direct can reveal something that has been previously hidden. It can also make us more aware of our shadows and deepest emotions.

I’ve been thinking a lot about Pluto lately, especially since I’ve been seeing an uptick of clients with Capricorn or Cancer rising, two signs that have been feeling Pluto’s energies the most of late. If Pluto is a hand on the cosmic clock, so to speak, then it’s been pointing towards the sign of Capricorn for quite some time — since 2008 to be exact. And if astrology tells us what time it is, then Pluto is the hand on the clock that says we have to profoundly work on the themes of the sign it points toward in order to grow collectively and personally.

Pluto in Capricorn has been eleven years of having to look at the collective karma of power, control, responsibility, structure, and government — all Capricorn themes. On a personal level, Capricorn connects us with a particular part our life, a part where the old structures have had to come down and powerfully transform. (Read Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign to understand where.)

Pluto isn’t an easy planet in astrology, but we have to be real about it; we have to face it. Pluto shows us our shadow, our soul lessons, and if we don’t face them, they will keep coming into our lives in different ways. For example, if we’re learning to stand up for ourselves in this life, then we’ll keep getting into situations where our power is taken from us. But if we do finally step up for ourselves, it’s a powerful transformation, one that positively marks the soul. (I taught a webinar on Pluto back in July called Pluto: Turning Shadows into Light, which you can still get the replay.)

So, pay attention to what’s going on this week as well as today. What are you being asked by Pluto to transform? Where are you seeing your shadow self come up? The hidden self? The unconscious self? What needs to come to the surface and to reveal?

Pluto shows us our proverbial demons, which we know very well. Use today to rise up against them and take our power back.

Last, but not least, Mercury is now in Scorpio, a sign that it will be in for the next nine weeks. We now have the ability to articulate some of our deepest feelings and desires. We’re more interested in having real conversations than maintaining the status quo.

Read More:

Webinar Replay — Pluto: Turning Shadows into Light

October 2019 Horoscopes

Pluto in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

On Pluto

Video — The Astrology of September 30-October 6, 2019

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