Venus and Mercury change signs, arriving in Libra. Relationships once again are a focal point, from how we interact and socialize to how connect and communicate with one another. Mercury in retrograde also revisits events and choices from late September.

First let’s start with Venus in Libra, a sign that its right at home in. Not only does it highlight beauty, aesthetic, and design, but it speaks to something hidden about relationships. Libra is the twelfth sign of Scorpio. It’s a blindspot. So we need to be making sure that we’re not missing something important. Or, we’re putting two and two together about someone that has marked how we interact and partner with others.

Mercury also returns to Libra, but it enters from the other end of the sign. If you recall, Mercury was last in this part of the sky during the last week of September, just a month ago. Now that the retrograde has brought us back, we’re reviewing and revisiting something from that time. Mercury will also make a series of squares to Saturn as it pivots to and from on November 3. We have serious choices and commitments to make. We may also not have all the information just yet.

Don’t forget. We’ve got a very interesting full moon on October 31, just a couple of days from now. It’s a full moon of awakenings, new insights, and new awareness, but something that may shake up the old order of things or bring forward a story of change that began in May 2018 as well as March 2019.

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Video — The Astrology of October 26-November 1, 2020

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