The sky starts to heat up as an Aries Moon meets up with Mars and rounds past three planets in Capricorn. It’s not only a day to focus on work and responsibilities, but we may be feeling a little temperamental and prickly, too.

If you recall, Mars has been retrograde in Aries since September 9, a time when we have to take a second look at how we use our Mars, which is to say, how we take action, be courageous, and even express our anger.

As we come to the last few weeks of Mars Retrograde, it’s a day to check in with this process. Do we feel our anger differently than we did in September? Do we see where we can be more courageous? Are there instances where we can step up and be the leader? Or take the reins of life?

That said, Aries is Scorpio’s sign of health and wellness. Focus on fitness today or any healthy (or gentle) exercise that gets the blood flowing. Tend to projects that need a second look, especially since Mercury is also in retrograde. And know that we’re on the verge of an electric full moon on October 31. (I spoke about the upcoming full moon in depth in my weekly astrology video, which you can watch the replay.)

Read More:

Video — The Astrology of October 26-November 1, 2020

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