What aligns with your values and what doesn’t? We’re still sorting through the October 24 full moon in Taurus, a sign that’s all about value. Is it worth it? As we go into the weekend, a Gemini Moon may prompt us to make some decisions about our future.

The Sun also joins up with Venus in Scorpio today marking the halfway point in our Venus Retrograde journey. If retrogrades are a time of review and reevaluation, then over the past three weeks we’ve been taking a second look at our relationships in all their many forms. Think of retrogrades as a time when we take class on a special topic and this one has us digging deep lessons on how power and control dictates our interpersonal connections.

Since Scorpio is a sign that is motivated to uncover what is hidden, we’re realizing or seeing how our relationship dynamics need to transform. If something is unhealthy or destructive, we’re being shown where we need to create boundaries or end a connection. Venus, normally an accommodating and agreeable planet, has to fight for itself in Scorpio and discover its true power while being mindful and in integrity around abuses of power.

That said, use the Gemini Moon this weekend to sort through your options and make new choices. It’s also a Moon that wants things to do and people to connect with. Just make sure it’s the people you really want to connect with.

Read More:

Taurus Full Moon: The Edge

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Earthquake

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