Fresh off a new lunar month, the Moon is in Sagittarius, touching on heavy hitting themes around truth, meaning, and faith. That’s because Saturn’s in Sagittarius, too, a planet that wants us to define what we believe in and take our education seriously.

With our nearly three year Saturn in Sagittarius journey drawing to a close, today is one of our final check-ins. Think back to the start of 2015. How has your view of the world changed? Have you invested in a new philosophy or religion? Have you lost faith? Struggled to regain it? Have you studied other cultures and ways of thinking? Be on the look out for a progress report of sorts. Saturn loves to give feedback and help you to step into more responsibility.

That said, Saturn in Sagittarius has shown us more of what divides us more than unifies us. It has shown us deep fissures along ideology, philosophy, and religion since 2015. But, for some of us, the past few years  have been a time to open to new ideas, master new philosophies, build new ways of thinking, and seek out a more worldly perspective. Saturn in Sagittarius has also been a pilgrimage of sorts and we may have traveled very far from in the past few years literally and metaphorically. Come next month, our work will center on commitment and responsibility when Saturn moves into Capricorn on December 19.

Don’t forget that we had a Scorpio New Moon on November 18 and we’re in a powerful lunar month with a fast moving emotional current. Scorpio makes us look at ourselves, even if it’s painful. Scorpio is a purge. It shows us what we’re unconscious of, what we disown, what we project, and what make us uncomfortable … all so that we can transform it with the light of consciousness. With that in mind, this is a great lunar month for personal growth. Or maybe just a colonic.

Read More:

New Moon in Scorpio: Rebirth

Saturn in Sagittarius: The Quest Begins

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