Last day before the new moon and it’s a day to rest, reflect, and prepare for the coming lunar month. So we’re starting the weekend on a muted note, especially as the Aries Moon makes no aspects and Mars still squares Neptune. Perhaps we’ll nap instead.

I don’t know about you all, but I can’t quite wake up despite three cups of coffee. Neptune energy can drain us, pull us into other worlds, and make us feel like we’re floating. It’s probably not going to be the most productive Friday in history, but there you go.

By tomorrow we’re in a new Taurus lunar month, one that invites us to enjoy the pleasure and abundance of earthly life. Since Taurus is a sign that’s connected to money and ownership, we’re going to be more focused on creating financial and material stability over the upcoming four weeks. Plus, the new moon’s getting a boost from Saturn, a planet that wants us to plan and build for the future.

Also, last call for tomorrow’s Astrology for Beginners webinar. I always love talking and teaching astrology, so we’re going to have a great class to get you started with understanding the different parts of the astrological alphabet, namely signs and planets. Even if you can’t make the webinar live, you can still register to receive the recording and watch later either in sections or all at once. Details and registration here.

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Webinar — Astrology for Beginners

May 2019 Horoscopes

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