I’ve been invited to be a guest speaker at The Assemblage John Street here in Manhattan on Sunday, May 6 and I will be joining Jennie Ma for an intimate, salon-like talk on astrology and energetics.

With both Chiron and Uranus changing signs, it’s important to understand how the planets shift and bend the fabric of our universe as they move from sign to sign.

Jennie Ma will teach about “The Weft”, a name for this invisible fabric that connects everything that allows us to feel the movement of the planets. In turn, I will talk about how the planets communicate their energies through the weft and help us understand different aspects of the Weft.

For example, Chiron teaches about the knots in this fabric that we have to work to undo. Uranus, on the other hand, awakens our consciousness and helps us to see above this weft so we can see our lives — and our planet — in a new way.

Uranus’s arrival in Taurus on May 15 echoes back to 1935, the year that Uranus last entered Taurus. If you know your history, it’s incredibly important for us to be grounded in the truth of who we are and what we value as the world changes around us.

It’s a time for powerful transformation for humanity. It’s up to us to make that transformation a positive one.

Note — Here is a link to Jennie Ma’s recent talk at The Assemblage for on The Weft for “Seeds of Consciousness: A Universal Reality for the Collective”.


Sunday, May 6
4 to 6 pm
The Assemblage John Street
114 E. 25th Street

Light Ayurvedic snacks will be served.

To Register

Please RSVP with Jennie Ma at socintlinfo@gmail.com. Cost is $20 USD, which can be paid via PayPal.

Space is limited.

Photo by Dev Benjamin on Unsplash