We’re wrapping up a tense ride through Capricorn today, still tending to our duties and responsibilities. By tomorrow the Moon’s in Aquarius, helping us to connect with community and friends. Use the weekend to be social and meet up with like minded people.

It’s important to know that Saturn and Pluto are close together in the sky right now in the sign and will make something called a conjunct in January 2020. Every time the Moon travels through Capricorn this year, it will activate these energies and, as a result, we may have to work through deeper themes of power and control, especially with the South Node of the Moon in Capricorn this year.

That said, on Sunday, Mars wraps up its six week stay in Taurus and moves into Gemini, kicking off seven weeks of getting excited about learning, traveling, and communicating. With Mars in Gemini, we have something to say. We’re restless — maybe a little anxious — for new experiences, new ideas, and new choices. So, moving forward, Aries Season is going to have a lot more pep in its step.

Also, it’s still not too late to register for my Uranus in Taurus webinar on April 6! If you are a Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, or have strong placements in those signs, you may feel like the tectonic plates of your life are starting to shift in a new direction. Things are changing and shaking up. What is Uranus in Taurus trying to teach you for the next seven years? Read more about my 90-minute webinar and register here.

Read More:

Mars in Gemini: Sign by Sign

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Webinar: Uranus in Taurus

Interview: Working with Difficult Aspects

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