Mercury turns retrograde in Leo, touching on themes of identity, creativity, and passion. Do we have the courage to be ourselves? Are we making bold choices? Plus, we’re on the eve of a lunar eclipse, one that may push us into a new life.

I’ve been talking about eclipse season over the past few days. Every six months we have a series of solar and lunar eclipses that have a habit of coinciding with events and changes in course as well as the closing of a door and the opening of another. If you are a Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius, you’re feeling this. When the eclipses are particularly active in your chart, you may feel like you’re stepping into a new life or that everything is in flux. And this is totally normal.

Life isn’t meant to be stagnant. We have to move, grow, evolve. Eclipses are one of the mechanisms that help with this. They push along the narrative of our lives. They bring us to the intersection of fate. They rouse us and shake us awake.

What’s particular about tomorrow’s eclipse is that it activates an extremely restless square between Mars and Uranus. If you are an Aries or a Scorpio, maybe you’re feeling a little manic or like you want to make a radical change even if it’s not practical. Uranus forces us to break convention. It gets us out of a rut and helps us to liberate ourselves from restrictions or limitations that’s not in our best interest. If you’re feeling a little ungrounded with the eclipse energy, make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Breathe. Walk. Spend time in nature. Feel your feet on the earth. Feel your pulse. Eat something nourishing. Self care is a radical act.

More on this tomorrow.

Read More:

Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

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