Jupiter turns direct in Scorpio after four months of retrograde. Themes of travel, faith, and education are highlighted. But Jupiter turns direction in a sign that’s known for it’s powerful emotions as well as its secrets. Something may be revealed as a result.

Jupiter helps us to make sense of the world. It helps us to grown, learn, and go out and experience different perspectives, different cultures, and different lands. When Jupiter is prominent in your chart (or if you are a Sagittarius), you can’t help but roam. You’re always on a quest for something more.

Since October 10, 2017, Jupiter has been in Scorpio, which has been a call to deeply explore ourselves. This has included digging into our psyche, our shadow, and the intimate secrets that we share with few — if at al. Since Jupiter never does things on a small scale, we’ve seen a great purge of pent up emotions. And since Scorpio corresponds with some of life’s more difficult experiences, our past has come tumbling out en force.

We’ve only got a few months left of Jupiter in Scorpio. Come November 8, Jupiter will come home to Sagittarius, pushing us all to roam more, and travel to distant lands, even if it’s the boundaries of our faith and our truth.

In the meantime, take care that we’re only days away from a solar eclipse. Live is a bit loaded at the moment. The great wheels of life are turning, taking us in a new direction. Get ready.

Read More:

Jupiter in Scorpio: Sign by Sign

July 2018 Horoscopes

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