Moon moves into Capricorn and we’re on the cusp of a solar eclipse, one that sets us up for the new year. Activating energies of Saturn and Pluto, the next six months are about take big steps forward in our lives, even if it means leaving our old life behind.

A solar eclipse happens every six months when a new moon lines up with the ecliptic, which is to say the Moon, from the perspective of earth, is in the right position to pass in front of the Sun. In ancient times anything that had the power to dim or completely occult the light of the Sun had great power. And, true, eclipses occur with rises and falls of power, changes in leadership, and changes in fortunes.

In astrology the days and weeks around an eclipse feel charged. Experiences and emotions seem stronger. It’s as we’re in the threshold of something. Eclipses open up doorways — doorways where things can leave and enter our lives. They also set up major themes for the coming six months and beyond.

Tomorrow’s eclipse, falling in Capricorn, is all about the big stuff in life — getting older, making something of ourselves, career, commitments, and responsibilities. As the sign of structure, we may be building something very new over the next six months or tearing down what no longer works. With Pluto only a few degrees away from the eclipse, our new beginnings are seeded with themes of power, transformation, and facing our fears so we can take consciousness of the lives we’re creating and the people we are within those lives.

More on that tomorrow.

Read More:

On Pluto

In Defense of Saturn

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

January 2019 Horoscopes

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