Monday’s Aquarius New Moon invited us to come up with ideas as well as a creative vision for the future. Now that the Moon is in Pisces, we have to make sure our hearts are in it, too. Whatever you’re envision for yourself, Pisces helps to bring the magic.

Every month the new moon helps us reset and refocus. It allows us to come up with new initiatives and new ideas to manifest. An idea with out passion is just an idea. A list of what you want to manifest for yourself in the future is just a list until you put your soul in it. This is the alchemy of creation. What are you ready to put your heart and soul in?

I also want to mention something in response to a couple of comments about the Aquarius New Moon. Yes, it’s a sign that wants connection, friendship, and a sense of community, but just like all signs there’s another side to Aquarius. Sometimes Aquarius is the loner, the outlier, or someone who feels disconnected from the whole. There can be a suffering when we feel separate yet are yearning for the comfort of friends and community. An Aquarius New Moon gives us an opportunity to take positive steps towards transforming this disconnection … should we want to, of course. So if you’re feeling alone or looking for the support of having like minded people around, how will you take action this lunar month? It could be rekindling an old friendship or joining a group or taking part in events in your community.

In the meantime, the Moon’s in Pisces for a couple of days. Meditate, relax, and search for answers within. Pisces is a sign that, for as much is it is about compassion and feeling, it’s about searching for meaning. Mars is also square the lunar nodes this week into next. Tempers may flare. We may feel restless or full of energy. Give Mars a healthy outlet. Start things, go to the gym, get the heart pumping.

Read More:

Aquarius New Moon: Power Forward

February 2019 Horoscopes

Mars in Aries: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Aries: Sign by Sign

Webinar Replay: The Astrology of 2019

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