The Moon continues to run its way through Aries today. Paired with Mars in Capricorn, we’re working towards our goals to build a better future. That said, it’s still Pisces Season, a sign that still wants us to take it slow, relax, and release.

Aries will get a big boost in the second half of 2020 when Mars returns home to Aries on June 27, 2020, not leaving until January 6, 2021. That’s six months of Mars in one sign compared to the usual six weeks because of a retrograde from September to November. 

You may not be an Aries, but Aries is located somewhere in your chart and that corresponding area of your life is going to see a lot of action and movement in the second half of 2020. Something to keep in mind.

In the meantime the Aries Moon inspires us to think about money and value and to make the solid plans to reach towards our greater goals. 

Read More:

March 12 Webinar — Saturn in Aquarius: 2020-2023

Mars in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

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