Aries Moon day, one that wants us to take action and get out and move. An Aries Moon needs exercise, too. So, make sure you’re getting the blood flowing. We may be short tempered as well, especially with Mars still on the South Node of the Moon.

The Aries Moon also points us towards Mars’s journey through Capricorn. Over the coming weeks, until the end of March, Mars is pushing us to consolidate, crystalize, and formalize all the work we’ve been doing while Saturn’s been in Capricorn since the start of 2018. 

I mentioned this in my update yesterday. Saturn’s coming to the end of Capricorn and dips into Aquarius on March 21, a big deal for next month’s astrology. Saturn only changes signs every 2-3 years and marks a personal as well as collective shift when it does. (Note that Saturn will dip back into Capricorn from July 1 to December 17, 2020.)

In Aquarius, Saturn’s tells us that Aquarian themes of connection, community, equity, humanity, and science are going to be a priority for the next few years. (Saturn was last in Aquarius in the early days of the internet from 1991-1994. Before that, during the era of civil rights and early space travel from 1962-1964.)

Join me for a 90-minute webinar on March 12 on what Saturn in Aquarius will mean for you as one of the big hands on your personal zodiac clock starts to point to a new hour. The webinar is live at 7:30 pm New York, 4:30 pm Los Angeles, 11:30 pm London, 10:30 am Sydney on 3/13, 12:30 pm Auckland on 3/13. You can still register to receive the video and audio replay. Details here

Read More:

March 12 Webinar — Saturn in Aquarius: 2020-2023

Mars in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

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