Moon moves into Libra and it’s time to socialize. Libra loves partnership and connection, so it’s a day to focus on our relationships. But with Venus stuck between Pluto and Saturn, make sure you’re being aware any shadow themes of power and control.

When a planet is stuck between two heavy weights, it’s hard for that planet to gets its way. Venus, the ruler of the Libra Moon, likes to negotiate, but Saturn and Pluto may have other ideas. As a result, you may be trying to figure your way out of something and wondering how to gain the upper hand.

Venus with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn can also be very transactionally minded. Meaning, if I do something for you, you’ll do something for me. But there’s no natural give and flow, which is more open energetically. Tomorrow’s Venus/Pluto conjunction is a reminder to take a serious look at your transactional relationships. How do you feel about them? Are they toxic? You can use the energy of Saturn in Capricorn to set hard boundaries and define what works for you.

Read More:

Saturn in Capricorn: Accountability

Saturn in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

On Pluto

February 2019 Horoscopes

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