An Aries Moon takes us into the weekend and we’re on the go, we’re taking action, and moving forward. Paired with the fire of the Leo Sun, it’s a day to explore themes of faith, truth, and meaning. It’s also a day to look outwardly and discover the world.

If you remember, Mars is also in Aires, a dynamic placement for the planet of courage, action, and force. There’s a certain area of our lives that we’re pushing forward in over the coming four to five months. It’s also an area of our lives that we’re seeing a lot of heat or impatience in, too. (Read Mars in Aries: Sign by Sign to get a better sense of what Mars is heating up.)

As a result, we may have a lot of energy this weekend, energy that needs a healthy outlet such as through exercise, sport, or competition. Put it towards projects or initiatives, too. Since Mars is coming up to a square to Pluto on August 13, it’s doubly important that we give this energy a positive outlet. If we’re waving with our courage, use this energy to find the strength to do something brave and transformative.

That said, keep an eye out for events or people that push buttons or stir things up this weekend. The astrology is hot or even hot tempered over the next couple of weeks.

Read More:

Mars in Aries: Sign by Sign

August 2020 Horoscopes

Video — The Astrology of August 3-9, 2020

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