The Moon moves from Aries to Taurus, from fire to earth. We start the weekend on a sensual note. It’s all about food, pleasure. While we’re taking it easy, note that the Moon will activate a tense Mars and Uranus, pushing us in a new direction.

Let’s not forget that a Taurus Moon means that we’re coming up on a square to the July 27 lunar eclipse, giving us insight as to what part of our life is changing. When I wrote about that eclipse, I titled my post “The Wheel of Life” because the planets were lined up in a way that felt like the Universe was giving us bit of a spin, and not a gentle spin at that. There was the sense that the eclipse could pick us up and land us somewhere very different. And that’s what eclipses do, they push life forward, sometimes rapidly so.

As I said to my Leo client yesterday, some of us are being asked by the Universe to make big changes right now. Yes, I mean you, Leo. I’m also talking to Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius. And by change, I mean whatever is not in the truth of who you are. (Thank you, Uranus in Taurus!)

Speaking of Uranus in Taurus, use the Taurus Moon this weekend to check in on how we relate or connect with the energies of abundance and pleasure. Uranus in Taurus also wants us to have a new consciousness of how we taste and smell things. It also wants us to reconnect with our bodies as well as the earth. Taurus is life as well as fertility. How can we change how we interact with these energies?

We have our inner work as well as our outer work cut out for us right now. The wheel of life is spinning.

Read More:

August 2018 Horoscopes

Aquarius Full Moon: The Wheel of Life

Uranus in Taurus: Sign by Sign

Uranus in Taurus: Earthquake

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Photo by Léonard Cotte on Unsplash