Mars turns direct in Capricorn after two months in retrograde. While we may feel motivated to move forward with plans and ambitions, we’re still under a Pisces Full Moon and a Pisces is way more interested in relaxing than charging ahead.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. Astrology teaches us that there’s a time and place for everything, a time for rest and a time for action. In fact, Mars is the planet of action. It’s motivation, vitality, and drive. It’s the gas we need to get things done. Over the last two months, however, Mars has been retrograde. That’s not to say that we haven’t been able to take action, but we’ve had to do so in a different way. (Retrogrades are a common phenomena when a planet appears to move backwards in the sky. They are not bad; just a time when the tide pulls in instead of out, a time to rework, rethink, and do things over.)

Note that Mars turns direct in Capricorn, so we need to start focusing our mojo towards achieving our goals and ambitions. Capricorn wants a plan after all. It wants us to work hard and make big achievements. But, for now, the Moon’s in Pisces, so better to use today to dream. Tomorrow, when the Moon moves into Aries, will be a better day to restart projects and to take action.

If you missed my write up on yesterday’s Pisces Full Moon, you can read it below.

Read More:

Mars in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

Pisces Full Moon: Magic in the Air

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