Today’s Pisces Moon is a reminder to feed ourselves with the quiet, the compassionate, the sublime. After all, Pisces is a sign that connects us to art, music, intuition, and dreams. It also teaches us about forgiveness, redemption, and the suffering that connects all of humanity. It’s a big hearted sign, but one that feels too much at times.

I mention this because we’re coming up on eclipse season. Between the solar eclipse in Virgo on September 1 and the lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 16, we’re going to be feeling the tug between the physical (Virgo) and the etheric (Pisces), between earthly and spiritual service, even more over the coming weeks.

Neptune is dancing around the South Node of the Moon, too. Our dreams are more vivid. We have a memory of a taste or a smell we can’t place. Our déjà vu is increasing. Our hearts our opening to others as well as things outside of this physical world. But Neptune also threatens to drown us, to make us feel our pain even more, to tempt us to not feel at all.

The South Node is both our personal and collective past. We have karma to work out with Pisces. Can we forgive? Let go? Save the world? Save ourselves? Seek redemption? This will be a major theme into next month.

Read More:

On Neptune

Healing Neptune Problems

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